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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2007
Reaction score
, Louisiana, USA
can you belive i got to move right befor high school! my friends that i known since 2ed grade were cring! i feel so bad can any one cheer me up? ( i did not cry but i wanted to sooo bad
Where are you moving to?
I'm sorry. I know it's hard, but ya know, life is always changing and you will find new friends and have old friends to visit with.

What grade are you going into next fall? I find that my kids are much happier in their new schools. They went to private school (son PreSchool - 8th, daughter Preschool to 4th) and we moved them to the public schools where they are thriving! They have met lots of new friends and kept in touch with old ones.

How exciting is that?

That's actually perfect! I moved my kids when they were going into the "next" building. You'll be surprised how easy you will adjust.

How far away from your old school is it?
That's cool! you can go visit them on your opposite days off. We do that sometimes. We have had kids that visited for lunch or whatever. It's going to be fine. I just know you'll be happy!
i checked the times and everything they start and get out the same times!! and on weekends my friends skeep sleep and eat then go right back to sleep
Awww sorry you have to move -- but keep in mind that it may be really - really exciting at the new school and not a bad thing at all! And when you move - RO will move with you so you can tell us how each day goes! We'll go with you!

Very excited for you as you will get to meet new people and have new experiences. Can't wait to hear about them! :D
I am sorry that you have to move... I know how you feel... My dad was in the airforce and we moved every two years... the last time we moved was right before i started high school... I had to make all new friends .... it was hard at first but I have mad several good friends that I am still friends with after 21 years... Just look at it like its an adventure...
It really stinks that you have to move, but right before is better than during high school. Let's hope that there might be other folks that are new next year and that everyone is ready for new friendships. After you've had some time to be really mad, try to look at it as an adventure! Good luck, and we'll be thinking of you.
ok news...

my family just got the news that in about 3 weeks i should be officaly moved in.....

i have been hearing that for about a mouth now but you know.
At least you're moving before school starts. When I was just beginning my freshman year, I was in a very small school in the country, everyone knew everyone-pretty much. Then, six weeks in, my mom left my stepdad and we moved back to the city and I had to go to a huge school, it was horrible.

We lived at my grandparents, who were strict as heck. I was seeing my boyfriend, who was from the old school. Eventually, I had to sneak to see him. They wouldn't let me call or even write him! The first weeks at the new school, I ate lunch by myself, it was just awful.

It got better though, just took awhile. One girl I had a class with lived next door to my grandparents and come over and introduced herself like my third day or so, so that was nice. We were friends for a long time out of HS too!

So, there's my sob story about moving, haha. I KNOW this won't happen to you! I hope you like it alot and make friends quickly. I wish you the best of luck! I know how hard it is, hon.:hug:
I always looked at moving as an adventure. Dad was a roughneck on the oil rigs (on and offshore) and we moved a lot depending on the locations he worked at.

We didn't settle down until I was almost out of Jr High and it was a pretty hard adjustment for me (at the time) to get to know people and settle in. I was always geared to move!

You'll be fine and I'm sure you'll have a blast. Things sometimes take a while to get used to, but sometimes the worry *before* is really the worst of all.

(That moving van picture is too cute!!)

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