Nibby's neuter

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
Scotland, , United Kingdom
Hi guys. I have seen a lot of posts about people worried about getting their rabbits neutered so thought i would post this to ease peoples minds maybe!

We bought Nibbler to breed with, but we found out he came from a breeder who has malocclusion in some of his stock so obviously we don't want to risk breeding him.

I was really upset at the thought of selling him on as he's not great type but he has brill personality and he is so darn cute :)So we decided to bond him with Boo.

Anyway he went for his neuter today and we got him back at 4pm he is happy and running about like the daftie he is. Not to sure about having a fleece instead of his usual bedding so i reckon that will be dug up when i go back out to check on him! But went straight into his hutch and started munching away. I know he will still be high on some pain meds but honestly i have never seen a bunny so easy osy after an op!

Here is my boy. i am beginning to think he wants to be a lop!!!


Send him to me.
They have already met each other a few times as i wanted to see how Boo reacted to him. (she can be a bit crabby) But she seems to like him as she even let him hump her! and she hasn't bit him or anything. But she can be a bit of a praying mantice she gives them the sense that they are the boss letting them be dominent and then when they think they are in control she starts bossing them about. Or thats what she did to Floyd, mind you Floyd would be the first one up if another bunny went near to tell them to go away!

I think she has maybe been missing Floyd more than i thought and thats why she has excepted Nibs that easily. (Floyd is the bunny in my avatar at the mo)

Jadeicing i will swop you for Theresa lol!!:)
Just thought i would update. Nibby had a couple of sad days you could tell he was a bit uncomfy still has his back feet spread a bit but is all happy and cheeky again gets his check up on tues :)
Aw. I'm glad he is doing well. He is super cute. Reckon he wants to wend his way to me somehow? I'll swap you for him for the Dopeys, lol.

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