New to the forum, Meet Braxton and Blake

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I really have learned SO MUCH from joining this forum, and I am so glad to have found it! I have been able to stay away from meds with Braxton for about 2 months now, still keeping them on hand for any scary situations but I have really found what a strict diet can do for him! They really are great little guys! I look back at their baby pictures and am shocked to see how far they have come, from being urine scalded, emaciated and terrified, to happy little buns all grown up, handsome as ever and loving life! For christmas they even got their own cardboard playhouse (the kind you buy kids) and I know they will love, only problem is I need to rearrange my room to put it up! haha! So I am working on that, but they are great guys, I made them little collage pictures of how they have grown so I will try to post those so you can see :) He kinda grew into his ears now :( but, he is still a handsome boy! :)


happy boys all grown up! well almost, 8 months old now!
Thanks! They are good boys! Blake goes in his neuter tomorrow along with a nasal passage flush for his pastuerella, then in the spring I am gonna attempt to see if they can be friends again once his hormones settle down. (Braxton has already been neutered :) )
Hey, they are such a lovely pair and so glad they´ve found such a great bunny mom who loves them unconditionally. I´m sure when the time comes to bond them, we´ve got loads of people with loads of experience and advice on here to help you along.

Look forward to reading more about them.
Thanks so much! I will definitely be doing a lot of research in the coming months about it and hopefully I really do think Braxton misses his friend! Like today even though they don't interact, Braxton knew I took Blake to the vet was hiding, nervous all day and when I brought Blake home he instantly calmed, so hopefully once Blake heals up and calms down they can be reunited.
I'm sure you're glad the whole neuter thing is over. I hope he's doing good and is back to his old self soon.

That's so great that the diet changes have helped Braxton! I have to keep one of my rabbits on a really strict diet as well, and it's such a relief to have him feeling good and to not always have to worry about him being sick. Some buns are just really sensitive.
Hey Shelby, you should start on your Braxton and Blake blog, it would be great to hear about all their experiences as they grow up together. I´m a great blog fan after being a bit of a sceptic and I love now reading about all the buns of RO, all so different but some shared experiences and gives insight to all.
Very happy the neuter is over! He did awesome! Brax was kinda sleepy the day after his and wouldnt touch pellets for about 2 days but, not Blake brought him home eating like a champ, active, sore the first night but just dosed his Metacam and he is happy boy. She had to flush his nasal passages 4 times for them to run clear! She said the discharge was milky for 2 whole syringes, she thinks that a lot of that was build up from his prior living conditions so all the meds I did werent really doing their job since they just could not tackle the overgrowth of the Pasteurella. His nose is fluffy and dry today for the first time since I got him! :yahoo:It's so amazing to see! It's like even his sense of smell its so much better already! She said I can have up to two years before I need to do it again, so fingers crossed! Were currently doing Banana Bread flavored Baytril to help it along which he is loving so, fingers crossed! Braxton is very happy his bro is home! He clearly really missed him, that was the first time he had a really bad pooping day in a while but he was clearly stressed. He really wants a friend I can tell, I just adopted a little girl rat last weekend and introduced them, unfortunately she wasnt having it but, I think Brax really liked her! So hopefully things will go well and by late spring/summer the boys can be back together! :) As for the blog, I will definitely have to look into it! I am gonna go browse now! I would love sharing their experiences, already in a few months I have dealt with medical issues, unbonding as they hit adolecense and now soon, re-introducing them, so I like to think our experiences could help someone else! Definitely am gonna check that out!
that's GREAT to hear about the nasal passages - should help a lot and make meds significantly more effective in the future!

I used to be *very* anti-blog in general (the internet does NOT care what you had for breakfast, people!), but eventually got sucked into RO blogs and even started one of my own (which is now huge, lol). it's a nice way to chit-chat and share stories with all of us on a daily basis, plus it can help to chronicle the re-bonding process (both for yourself and others) - you can look back and see where progress has been made and get advice when it feels like you're moving backward.
i think with more people like you in the world it would be a better place & good luck,the rabbits will be proud of you being there mother,i take one day at a time with my pets i never take nothing in life for granted..good night from england (uk) getting late..:brown-bunny
that's GREAT to hear about the nasal passages - should help a lot and make meds significantly more effective in the future!

I used to be *very* anti-blog in general (the internet does NOT care what you had for breakfast, people!), but eventually got sucked into RO blogs and even started one of my own (which is now huge, lol). it's a nice way to chit-chat and share stories with all of us on a daily basis, plus it can help to chronicle the re-bonding process (both for yourself and others) - you can look back and see where progress has been made and get advice when it feels like you're moving backward.

I definitely hope so, day three of Baytril today, his nose was a little moist yesterday but definitely a lot better and we're doing 10 days of the meds so we still have a way to go! I started looking through some blogs yesterday before work, so cute! I need to look through some more and will definitely look for yours! Very good thought though about the bonding, when the mounting started with them I was so sad, they had such a special bond and I thought I could get them before that all started but Braxton just became "a man" out of nowhere and was still custody of the shelter so I had to wait to neuter him through them and with Blake's medical issues causing him to need to wait, it just wasn't worth the risk, so as we work to regain that brotherly love, it definitely would be good to be able to watch the progress, and when we have bad days look at the good. The whole bonding thing scares me so much, my past bunnies Carmel (neutered Holland) and Charcoal (spayed Dutch) were supposed to be companions but Charcoal hated Carm with a vengeance, we were too scared to even let them interact without a barrier so they just lived in different rooms, that experience really scared me about bonding. I was so happy the boys were good together and now that I am facing a male/male bond I am very cautious. I am hoping the fact that they have always been in the same room, constantly smelling, seeing and hearing eachother will help me. Luckily, I have a friend from the shelter who has bonding experience with her own buns and is gonna try to help once we get there. Fingers crossed!

DUSTBUNNY-CLYDE: Thanks!! :) Happy to have joined!
sirfluffyfluffton: I absolutely appreciate it, I have a very special place in my heart for special needs and seniors! All my babies are, a cat with kitty cerebral palsy, a tri-pawd kitty, my new little rat girl is a senior rattie princess and we also a zoo of other special needs babies too! What volunteering at shelter exposes you too :) But that is absolutely how you have to look at it, I work with so many special babies both from the shelter and my own furry family members and I absolutely cherish every moment I have with them all! Thanks so much for the warm welcome!!!
I really hope they hit it off in a really good way and as they are used to each other, this may help. It´s never easy bonding, you never know if they´re going to love each other or hate each other but I hope that these two make it through. It would be so lovely to see pics of these two beautiful boys together.
Just read the update with your boys. I had taken a break from RO for awhile so just getting caught up :)

But they sure are handsome and glad the neuter went well and it seems things are going just great for you! I will be rooting for them bonding as I'm a sucker for seeing two buns connect. I actually bonded my two just back in Oct. I did alot of research on bonding so I would love to help in any way I can. Here is my favorite article about bonding. I followed it nearly exact and had a very successful bond.

I would encourage you to start a blog too. I have one on here and I blogged about my bond every step of the way.

Best of luck to you and I will definitely be watching for updates! :)
Chrisdoc- Hopefully that they have never truly been "seperated" will help the situation, I also hope that since they never physically got in a fight will help as well! I pulled them as soon as Blake began to get visibly irritated with Braxton's humping, then Brax got neutered and I wanted to give him some alone time to heal, then by this time Blake started showing he has his adolescence as well and he couldn't yet be neutered so they just stayed apart. I would love to let them go back to being friends and I did love when they were best friends as babies, but if its not meant to be then we will just keep things as is! Time will tell! Thanks for your support, fingers crossed!

Agnesthelion- Thanks so much for your help! That article is great and I will definitely be referring to it, as the time for the bonding process to begin gets closer! I will also have to go through your blog! I definitely wanna look through as many other bonds as I can to try to get more comfortable with the whole process! Thank you for your support as well, and it looks like I will be beginning a blog soon :)

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