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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2009
Reaction score
Addison County, Vermont, USA

We are picking up our 6 week old baby, Butterscotch, this afternoon. And we justadopteda family member's 3 year old lop, Rosie, 2 weeks ago. Rosie is still real skitterish. We have always had pets but never had rabbits before and have a lot to learn. Rosie seems like a nice bunny that justhad beenvery neglected. We had the vet come to the house last weekand she sat very nice on her lap andthe vetshowed me how to clip her toenails... they were very, very overgrown. Since then she has perked up a bit. When we let her out of her cage and sit on the floor with her, she stomps the floor some. Then is happy to snif around the room and explore for 15-20 minutes, then she just sits under something and seems almost to fall asleep. She never chews anything we've given her, eats a few carrots a day, never eats the hay in her cage, only eats pellets, some days eats parts of a leaf or two of kale, other days doesn't touch it.

I'm hoping that this summer maybe Butterscotch will be old enough and big enough that we could start introductions so that maybe they could live together and keep each other company. But for now they will be in separate cages.

Nice to find this group!

Rosie's mom
Welcome to the forum! This is a great place to learn about and care for bunny's.

If she had a rough life prior to coming to you she will be skittish for a while. It takes time to get the trust of a rabbit. The stomping or thumping is her way of telling you she is not happy about something or a warning to other animals to stay away.

I have some that like certain types of hay and not others. Some like orchard grass more then timothy hay etc, so you may have to try different ones. I have others who love veggies, parsley, romaine lettuce etc and others who will only eat hay and pellets.

Rabbits have such unique personalities!
Thanks Wabbitdad12... this is reassuring to know that they have their own personalities and tastes... I think Rosie is coming along... now she will explore without stomping, so that is progress!

Thanks for the welcome!
Welcome to RO forums, Rosiesmom -this is a great place to learn about bunnies!
Btw, my old Holland lop is also named Rosie

p.s. oh yes, please post pics when you're able.
Hi Rosiesmom and welcome to the forum!:D

You say you are new to buns, so here are a few of my bibles when I was new to buns:

This is a long, funny and inspiring text on rabbit behaviour and how to understand and communicate with your lil one.

One of the popular lists of safe fruit, vegetables and herbs for rabbits from the Rabbit Welfare organisation.

Also I bought 'Rabbits for Dummies' as well, which I found inspiring and a lovely read, with stuff that even after two years with my rabbits I didn't know, like rabbits are actually very good swimmers.

Jen :)
Thanks so much, Jen! I bought a magazine on rabbits, but I am excited to buy Rabbits for Dummies... that sounds perfect, thanks. Now off to check out these other sites... thanks again...

No problem :) hope you enjoy them!
Well I use

It's so easy to use and really practical. You just get an account, and then click the upload button on your account, and you can scroll through your files on your computer to then put your pics on your account.

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Then when you are replying to a post on a thread, click the little button that looks like a piece of paper with three balloons on it, and enter the URL you have copied, and your picture will appear in your reply.

If you don't understand my babble and rambling then I will totally understand lol! I know what I mean but I am not sure how it comes across!! :p
This is my 3 yo hutch bunny that we adopted from a relative two weeks ago. Her partner died years ago and she's been pretty much ignored in her hutch. We got her nails all clipped and her examined by a vet, and we've started taking her out every day to explore her environment. Other than that, we have held her and petted her a little bit. And she lets me pet her in the hutch every day. Now that we have Butterscotch who is in a cage in the bunny room and is only 6 weeks old, I thought I would bring Rosie into the bunny room while she stays in her cage so they can smell and see each other. If you have any other suggestions to facilitate their bonding, please let me know... thanks!

Oh my gosh, that lop is soo adorable - looks like a lighter color version of my lop
Rosiesmom its no problem at all! I loved that Language of Lagomorphs so much. It's so funny because it's so so true.

Wow Butterscotch is such a doll. Perfect name. What a cutie! :D
When you take more pics make sure to post them cos I can't wait to see more!:)

Rosie is pretty gorgeous too!
I have so much to learn.... last night I called the emergency animal hospital number in a panic because my baby Butterscotch had peed "blood" on the floor of her cage... I had even read about the color of their urine before, but when I saw what looked bright red blood (was actually yellow-orange) in the poor light last night, I freaked!! I set up a litter box in that spot and she used it this morning... She is fine, pooping lots of little tan balls... doing great... and I think may have given us a binkie this morning... something like skipping across her cage... so cute! We're in love!!!!
I was so so terrified when that first happened to me- I rung the vets immediately in a panic. I brought a sample in too- it looked just like blood!!! They tested it and confirmed it was actually urine lol. Better to be safe than sorry tho!

Aww I just love it when they binky- happy buns!!!

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