New Member in Alabama

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New Member
Jan 21, 2008
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Huntsville, Alabama, USA

Just wanted to introduce my buns (and myself). Last Sept a GORGEOUS pair of girls joined our family, and immediately established their position - at the top! April & May are a tightly bonded pair of mini lops, in broken black/white. They have beautiful "butterfly" noses and love to groom themselves/each other to keep looking their best!

We adopted them through local animal control, but they were staying with a local rabbit rescue foster home. They were spayed just before we got them.They joined our family of 2 adults, 2 children (11 year old twin girls), 2 horses (who live at the stables) and 2 cats.

They are definitely NOT "normal," they do not like soft surfaces! Immediately upon introducing them to their new home, the pushed every drop of bedding out of the cage and settled into the hard floor. Once they were comfortable, we expanded their area to the whole kitchen. We put down some area rugs and towels, which they quickly moved to heaps out of their way. Now, they have the run of almost the entire house, and can almost always be found on one or another hard floor.

They have been very well behaved about using their litter and not chewing on things they are not supposed to (most of the time!). They quickly taught the cats who was in charge! It's not uncommon to see a bun chasing a cat around the house! And the cats have learned not to nap in any of the buns' favorite spots - the bun will just "goose" the cat until he moves! LOL

Our biggest problem started about 5 weeks ago - one of the cats broke his leg. With his hind leg in a cast from hip to below his paw, he couldn't get around too well. We had to move the cats' food and litter downstairs. While the buns totally ignored the litter box, April decided she LIKES the hard cat food! I put the food bowl up on a table, but she managed to climb up to get to it! I couldn't deny the cats their food, but it's been a real challenge to make it accessable to a cat in a cast, while keeping it away from a determined rabbit! The cast FINALLY came off last week, and we moved the bowl back upstairs. Unfortunately, April found it. My next idea is to sprinkle catnip over the food, supposedly bunnies don't like the stuff. Only, with my strange bunnies, who knows!!;)

Well, I'll post more another time.

:helloand welcome to the forum. This is a great websitewith a whole bunch of bun crazed people. I look forward to seeing some pictures of your bunnies, they sound like a couple of characters.:D
Welcome to the group. Your avatar reminds me of two kids playing dress up that got carried away putting mustaches on their
Welcome and yes, I am sitting here giggling at the antics of your buns! Nothing like adopting determined pets to keep one entertained!!! :D Would love to see photos of your determined buns (and the poor kitties that are "gooses")..

Hope you find alot of helpful info and support - as I'm "guessing" you will need it w/those two! :)
Wanted to see how your kitty with the broken leg is getting along with the Buns? Are they giving the cat at least a little leeway as it is "laid" up at the moment?

You should really post some photos of your silly buns. My bun also prefers hard surfaces to soft (his nic pen had 3/4 covered by tile/or cardboard and remaining 1/4 is carpet - he likes to keep his Teddy Bear, bowl and blankie in the carpeted section and lay on the hard parts - weird critters..
I don't have any advice on how to keep your bunny out of the cat's food, since I have never owned a cat and I'm not sure what their eating habits are. Catnip is in the Mint family, and some bunnies LOVE mint, so I don't know if that would be a deterrent. My Tony will tolerate mint if it's all that's around, but the dried kind of catnip would probably be less appealing than the fresh stuff (like the mint that most people feed their bunnies).

And your two are SO cute!! Looking forward to hearing more about your crew...:biggrin2:

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