New Flemish Giant - Opinions? I also threw a pic of Zeus and Nova In :P

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
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Southern Ontario, Ontario, Canada
Well I just got her yesterday! A lady I know who breeds them needed a Lionhead buck so I swapped. But anyways, I'm going to show her soon. How does everyone think she will do? Just Keep in mind I do not know how to pose Flemmies :pShe is kind of psycho, so she needs some socializing. She scratches. Bad.

Here she is (she jumped off the grooming table like 20 times :p I think she is considering doing it again by the look on her face in this pic lol):


Zeus & Nova (The way they are standing is kind of strange lol):


Nova is finally becoming friendlier & getting used to being handled! I think I won her heart over with treats and such :p She is a big piggie :p She LOVES peanut butter :biggrin2:

LOL! Yeah, she looks like she's plotting her escape!

Nice fawn color onher. How old is she? Nice ear carriage and length. She looks promising! Got any head shots straight on?

Flemish are posed with their shoulders down (relaxed), elbows flat on the table.Elbows and hocks on the surface with rear toes lined up with the stifle joint and front toes lined up with the eyes. This enablesyou to see the graceful arch beginning from just behind the shoulders. You don't want to "tuck them up" like a mini rex or pose them on their toes like a Belgian Hare.

If she tenses up or won't "lay down". Take both hands, one on her shoulders and one just in front of her hips and gently "rock" her from side to side... looks almost like rolling out "Silly Putty". She will (or should) stretch out and relax. Keeping one hand on her shoulders, gently pull up the hindquarters, lining up the feet. Move slowly and gently and she should cooperate. If she tenses up again, rock her out again... (May not work the first time, butshe will get the hang of it. Talk softly and move slowly...)

You're going to have to work with her to get her to tolerate the carrying. A lot of Flemish breeders carry them with their head under the arm (like a football). Most of them calm down if they can't see what's going on.

So she is 5 1/2 months... What does she weigh now?

They really don't fully mature until they are 12-14 months old. You will want to breed herbetween 9 and 11 months (as long as she is at 14 lbs.), or as soon as she is over 14 lbs. (Please don't consider breeding her to Zeus... It will mess up the color in both fawn offspring as well as the grays.)

They are show as 6 class rabbits, so besides showing as Juniors and Seniors, they have an Intermediate class (6-8 months.) As of October 1, she is a 6/8 (Intermediate). Lots of people show their Flemish as Juniors and Intermediates, until they are 8 months of age, then stop showing them for 4-6 months (good time to breed a doe!) to give them time to mature and "grow up". At 14+ months, they generally have the maturity and size to compete against the rest of a Senior Class.

I find that a lot of my bucks don't compete well as "young Seniors". It takes the boys a few extra months to "fill out" and grow into their length. Breeding a doe (as a young Senior) will sometimes add width to the loin and hips, and may balance outher type.

I've had a number of really good rabbits that showed well as Jrs or 6/8's and as fresh Seniors, just couldn't compete with more mature rabbits. So they stay home for a few months and I give them time to grow. It's all about patience with the rabbits.
If I do decide to breed her though, the lady I got her from said I could breed her to one of her bucks when she is old enough. But right now I think she will just be a show bunny :)

The lady has a steel buck and a dark eyed white buck. Would these possibly be suitable colors to breed her too?
If not what do you suggest?
Over 11 very good for her age. What colors is she out of/does she carry? Do you have a pedigree?

If you really want to breed for show, look for a nice fawn buck to breed her too. You won't have to worry about colors or major DQ's. The steel can mess up the fawn color pretty good... and adark eyed white (sometimes called ermine, not a recognized variety) can carry any color behind it... white is a mask for other colors... but the dark eyes indicate that it may carry genes from another breed.
Alright thanks Cathy!
I *think* she has a Fawn buck :) I will ask her :p

Unfortunatly I did not get a pedigree with her!

Also she has a toenail, which I think the lady tried to clip, it is like super short. I don't know if it was the lady or the bunnies fault. But is this a show DQ? I know for sure it will grow back. It is just a nub of toenail :(

Thanks again Kathy :) Oh I will try and get a facial shot aswell :)
As long as it's big enough for the judge to see the color, it's not a DQ. But it should grow back in pretty fast. When do you want to show her?
You have almost a month for the nail to stat growing back. There should be enough there to see color by then. Best of luck at the shows! Should be fun!
Well, I don't "do" fawns... from what I can see in the one photo, she has a lot of promise. I'd be particular about what colors she carries behind her (yeah, I need to see a pedigree). But she looks to carry good weight and decent type. (And I'd still like to see her posed properly. LOL!)
Also Cathy, I'm going to try and pose her like a couple of the ones I have seen you post :p
This may make me sound incredibly dumb, but I don't know where the stifle joint is, I'm going to google a pic of rabbit anatomy :p
I have decided her name shall be.... Dutchess :D I think it is fitting!

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