new bunny mommy :)

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Active Member
Jun 23, 2014
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hello all, i am a new rabbit mom, i am learning as i go, its nice to find communities like this one though you can ask all your questions. here is a picture of my bunny Loki
this is when we first got him at 8 weeks old with our cat magic

this is newer he is about 16 weeks in this one
Such a beautibun! I love the dark ears and nose on the red fur. You're in the right place! The things I've learned here are priceless, and the photos of everyones little loves makes me smile. Welcome!
hello all, i am a new rabbit mom, i am learning as i go, its nice to find communities like this one though you can ask all your questions. here is a picture of my bunny Loki
this is when we first got him at 8 weeks old with our cat magic


this is newer he is about 16 weeks in this one

--loki--I had a kitten years ago with that name,--new bun mom,--no question considered stupid here,-so please ask.--if it is one thing any bun owner knows the bun is always right,,rrr-rr...rabbits are strict herbivores,-(grass eaters)---it keeps some medical problems at bay--keeping the teeth ground down,--and the gi tract-flora-happy,--diet should be 70%grasses-ie timothy/orchard,-even (safe)-weeds can be offered,--and a small amount of quality pellets,-(daily)-with H2O-should keep things going well-,-they are also known as prey animals which stress out easily-.-prone to pasturella,-which is an opportunistic bacteria-- common to all rabbits and resides in the gi-tract,--they are kept at bay with a good immune system,--you can check the r-o-l-library for info or for quite the education,--wishing you and loki--years of happiness,--sincerely james waller :big kiss::brownbunny:bunnysuit::toast:
thanks so much , i woke this morning to find Loki had pulled a Houdini during the night and escaped his cage. he is such a smart little guy. i open my eyes hearing some rustling and think its my cat and look over and there he is waiting for me to put my feet on the floor so he can chase me ( i have no idea why he chases me btw) but he always does, my son made him a encloser using wire storage cubes, we need to rearrange a couple squares some with the larger squares are on the bottom which is how he got out. :rabbithop
Hi everyone. I'm new to this and really need opinions / advice asap... How do I post my own topic question?? Thanks
chantiepants, click on the appropriate forum section from the main page ('General Rabbit Discussion', for example), and then click the 'New Thread' button in the top-left corner of that page.

Loki is really sweet! I love his dark ears. :)
:hello:welcome1to the forum. Bun proofing is usually done in stages, depending on how many times they subvert your efforts. Right now we are puppy proofing our back yard as we have a new 3 1/2 month old puppy that weighs 61 pounds. He chewed up the wire to the solar panels, so that got fixed yesterday. Now I have to build a structure to surround the mister pump. It's always something.

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