New Bun Update

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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
Saratoga, New York, USA
So Lola, the newly adopted bunny has been with me for eight days now. Initially she was very shy and nervous, jumping at every noise and staying in her cage. But now she is significantly more relaxed, happier, and friendlier.

I set up a pen area outside her cage, so that she has plenty of room to play when I'm at work or sleeping. When I'm home she gets the whole room. Below is a pic of her exploring her pen for the first time:


My fold up tread mill is cornered against the wall inside her pen area. She started sitting behind it a lot so I put a cat bed back there. Now she sleeps there all the time. The pic below is of her looking super cute and snuggly in her new bed:


I put Lola's hay in a small tupperware thingy inside her cage. In the pick below she had just flung the tupperware with her mouth and it landed on her head, spilling the hay all over herself. My boyfriend and I were laughing our butts off.


I haven't introduced them yet. I want to establish a bond with her first before I start with bonding. Smokey did get a whiff of her on my hands the other day and was very intrigued.

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