Neutering Next Week!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2012
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, Massachusetts, USA
So the neuter for Ronin next week is planned for Thursday. We called the vet today and they told us they fix about five to six rabbits a month and they have for several years. That made me feel less nervous for my boy lol.
Today when I woke up he had poop all over his cage. He has always been good about his litter box so I thought this was strange. When I got home from school he had peed outside his box. He hasn't done this for a long time. I didn't change anything. I know that because he is intact he is less predictable, but he doesn't normally act this way...
I really should start a blog because I am making all of these posts lol you have all been so helpful and I just want what makes my bun happy. Any advice you can give is great!
My Matthias and Atticus are both boys that are due to be neutered upcoming. They both have boxes and normally have good manners like your Ronin.

Lately Matthias is starting to mark the top of our basement stairs with pee AND poop. The only thing I can attribute it to is the teenage years and/or sometimes the laundry to go down gets thrown there and there could be any number of smells on them.

Did you maybe switch cleaners and not even realize it? Anything that could make him feel like his den/cage/spot needs more of his smell?

Make a blog! :D I'd love to see it - let us know if you do! WOO!

I don't think I have changed anything, other than cleaning up the pee with some soap and water. I did change his hay though. When I have some free time I will definatly start a blog. Thanks!
I just went through a neuter surgery with Stew. They took fantastic care of him and sent me home with oral pain meds for the following three days. Just be sure to carefully monitor your bun after surgery. Mine refused to eat/drink/ go to the bathroom for almost 24hrs. At the 12hr point I brought him back into the vet and he was given pain meds subQ and I was sent home with those for a few days, as well as with some 'critical care' to feed him, to keep his system moving. He recovered fine and has mellowed out quite a bit since his surgery, he was really crazy/active, He still is, but not nearly as much- and the litter training is coming a little better now.
You'll be giving him tlc [tender-loving-care] afterwards & he'll slowly but surely lose the inconvenient hormones & settle down to become an adult rabbit.
How old is Ronin? Barley got neutered when he was very young, between 3 and 4 months, and it took him a full year to really get well litter trained, but he's been very good ever since - for peeing anyway. The poop pellets occasionally get kicked out of his litter box with his enthusiastic leaps and landings. After his surgery, I wasn't given any pain pills for him or anything. He was a little tender for a day or two but didn't seem bothered. All I had to do was check his incision each day to ensure there was no redness or swelling. He sailed through it like a champ, and I'm sure Ronin will too. :)
He is almost four, so he is a bit older than usual. He is a sweetie though, aside from the hormonal things.
So if we get Elliot neutered there is still hope we can get him to litter train? We have an appt for next thursday for neuter.
dMaybe, Carole. I've forgotten Elliot's age, but the younger he is the more likely he can be trained. I'd certainly give it a good long try.
Harvey's bathroom habits got better after he was neutered. But he was also litter trained for the most part when I got him. He just had that annoying habit of spraying everything that was his. He doesn't do that any more.
He mostly goes in the litter box, but he leaves little piles around his pen sometimes, and once in a while he leaves a dropping or two out of his cage while he runs around my room. I am just wondering if it's training he needs or if it's hormones.
Well, I've noticed when Harvey's running around he'll leave a few here and there. He mostly goes in the box. But he doesn't leave piles. He did when I first got him and he was still getting used to his new space. Might have also been a little bit of hormones too.
The space is new to him. He was better about the littler box when he was in his hutch. Now that he is inside the piles have started. It's not a huge deal, because it is really easy to clean up. Maybe it's just the new space?

Might also be that too. If I remember correctly those big piles stopped once he was a little more comfortable in my apartment. But stray poops here and there I think that's just a bunny thing haha. Not too bad considering bunny poop isn't that gross.

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