Neopets anyone?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2007
Reaction score
, Arizona, USA
I have one of the oldest (if not the oldest) non-TNT active account. I'm just wondering if anyone else is on there and if so what is your username? I'm coolgirl (cheesy name I know, but I made it when I was 12 :shock:). I'm in love with cybunnies (no suprise there) and have a gallery. I hope I'm not the only dork on here!
I used to play on and off for about 6-7 years (I was 13 or 14 when I started) and kept deleting my accounts when I was on the "off" stage. I stopped playing the last time when they changed the layout of the site. I didn't like it and things were too hard to navigate through for me.
I almost quit as well after the layout change but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I just want to finish my gallery that I've been working on for so long as well as save up my nps. I've been with the site since 2 days after it was opened to the public and I just can't leave it yet. Addicted I guess :p
Oh wow..yeah I'm a premium user so I know what you mean. Well you should consider coming back to the dark side ;) It's really not that hard to navigate once you get used to it.
I might, if you could help me think of a nice username. Everything is practically taken with so many years of archive.
me and my little cousin started a account to use together when she stayed at my house alot. Then she grew out of it for awhile, so my mom took over - she loves it she goes everyday and plays and everything else. I go sometimes and so does my cousin - I think between the three of us we have like 4 accounts now -lol.

I'm elizasam00 on neopets - but you also might run into my mom using this account.
I play, my main account is 1_Razzberry_1 (I have a few sides but their linked in that Lookup). :)User lookup here if you're interested.

I started last November, and played for a few months and got bored, then went back a few months back, dumped my old pets in the pound and got new ones, which have great names (Bunnies :D) and I have proper goals and stuff this time.

I really like it, even if it is weird. :pThough can't be that weird with the number of people that play it. ;)I think it's better since they revamped the site, even if some of the pets do look weird.
okiron wrote:
I might, if you could help me think of a nice username. Everything is practically taken with so many years of archive.

I checked and okiron isn't taken as a username, just as a pet name. You could use that :p

but I might have to beg for a referral if you do decide to join back up

just because I'm trying to save up to 11 mill and any little bit helps :biggrin:
I added everyone who posted their username to my friend list :). What are your current goals? Does anyone collect anything? I have lots of stuff in my SDB and I might have something you are collecting that I can throw your way:p
ChompersMom wrote:
okiron wrote:
I might, if you could help me think of a nice username. Everything is practically taken with so many years of archive.

I checked and okiron isn't taken as a username, just as a pet name. You could use that :p

but I might have to beg for a referral if you do decide to join back up

just because I'm trying to save up to 11 mill and any little bit helps :biggrin:
Wow it was never available before, I guess they released it lol. I'm joining then, used your link don't worry :p
Yay! I added you as a neofriend Okiron :) thank you. Sending a little welcome gift over your way :D

NZminilops wrote:
I have no idea what neopets is :embarrassed:

It's like a virtual pet site but it's a lot more. There a ton of games you can play to make some points (aka your neopoints which is your "money" on there) and once you do that you can buy items for your pets, play the stock market, go on the message boards and unlock avvies, join a guild (which is your own private forum with a bunch of other people), and all sorts of things. Check out that link I sent first it's hard to see why so many people love this site but it's not long before you become addicted :shock:.
ChompersMom wrote:
Check out that link I sent first it's hard to see why so many people love this site but it's not long before you become addicted :shock:.
That is so true, haha, I'm addicted to it at the minute. You should join up Michelle, once you've found your way around and know what you're doing it's fun. :D

Accepted you both. :biggrin2:

My goals are painting my pets right now...currently working on a Royal PB, for my Acara. I want 4 expensive colours on my main (Royal Girl Acara, Faerie Poogle, Plushie Kacheek and Island Shoyru). And then I'll paint the pets on my sides, but I'm not as worried about the colours.

After that I'll work on matching petpets, who knows after that, galleries probably. :)If you've got any PBs or Poogle MPs I'll have them! haha! :p
MsBinky wrote:
Hmmm I used to play. I think I'll just have to have another go at it since you guys are online. Lol. I feel like such a kid :p
Don't feel like a kid! The site was actually created for Young Adults, not children, there are loads of adults on there. :)
Ah cool, I hadn't activated my last account due to technical problems I had on my other laptop so I have my account already.

I am LadyBinky...

Lol so true Michaela... Plus I like the games. I do find it hard a bit at times! LOL. I get jealous of everyone having so much np. I'm so broke :p

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