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OK. I got an email from the person that I responded too. It seems the information was incorrect, and he forwarded the email he received from the Biologist for Engineering and Environmental Planning for the county.

Recreation, Parks and Culture conduct a Goose Management Program. The program is
concerned with the population of geese on Broadmoor Lake and Heritage Hills
Wetlands. There are no management activities at Village on the Lake. Several
residents have called regarding the lack of geese on the pond. At this time of
year, the goslings are very mobile and the families are moving between wetlands
and constructed ponds, feeding while their flight feathers are developing.
Therefore, geese that were typically observed in one area, will move. They may
return, dependant upon the food sources elsewhere.

Management of migratory birds (including geese) is under the jurisdiction of the
provincial and federal governments. The County has not removed or euthanized any
geese in Strathcona County. Our management permit is specific to Broadmoor Lake
and Heritage Hills Wetland and is specific to egg oiling which occurred in late
April. The notices were not placed by Strathcona County and contain erroneous

So, I guess as far as they are concerned, both famlies just decided to leave
the Lake. Not sure I totally believe it, as none of the goslings would be able to
fly, and I think someone would have have noticed 15 geese walking along the road.
But ....


I really do hope they are alright. People who kill animals for no reason really make me angry :X I'm the type of person who can't harm any living creature, not even bugs. (Well except for mosquitoes and flys heh)
I found some information regarding a group in North New Jersey who convinced local government not to kill geese. Thought it might help.

Forwarded message - for info, please visit\


NJ - Bergen County Freeholders Save Future Generations of Geese
from Gassing & Shooting!

Coverage in The Record\

Coverage on NY1\

From Bergen Co. Freeholder Resolution Number 1006 [passed unaninously]
"Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, by the Bergen County Board of Chosen
Freeholders, that the County of Bergen will not enter into any future
contract with the United States Department of Agriculture with regard
to the USDA's capture and euthanize program or any other agency
engaged in a similar program; and

Be it further resolved, that the Board of Freeholders directs the Bergen
County Department of Parks to continue to seek alternative methods
that are humane to help reduce the overpopulation of geese throughout
the entire county of Bergen including repellants, barriers, decoys, cound
deterrents, OVO (birth) control (making eggs infertile) and other methods."
A Fortunate Chain of Events:

A thank you is owed to Pat Sayers (the original witness to the killings),
who told Jerilyn, who loves and is very knowledgeable about geese, who
then told Jan Fredericks of Gods Creatures Ministry godscre@...
who told Julie O'Connor of Caring Activists Against Fur

Julie, who lives in Bergen County, contacted APLNJ (aplnj. org) who sent
the alert to their membership to contact the freeholders & County Exec.
in protest of the killings. In addition, Julie called the papers & organized
a rally for the geese, which attracted more media attention. By the end
of the week, the Freeholders were already crafting the resolution to
prohibit lethal population control of geese and other water fowl in
Bergen County parks in the future. Many thanks to more than 50 people,
who attended the 7/7/10 Freeholder meeting to speak about the geese
& hear the positive news for the future. Thanks also to everyone who
made the calls and attended the protest.

What a strange people they are to complain about something as minor as that.

How dare they get something like that done to innocent geese, when the geese were the first ones there because the nature is their rightful home!

I really do feel your frustration and anger!

That is sad:( happened over here all the time but about wild rabbits and it happens to pet bunnies to:(

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