Need to move them back to hutch

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The Comish

New Member
Aug 31, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California, USA
I rescured two rabbits that were abandoned. They have to be in our covered patio outside. I have a very nice two level hutch for them. I have only had them for two weeks. All was well until last week when a heat wave came in and it was too hot for the outside. So I moved them inside...then it happened. The female had 3 three kits in the small temporary inside cage. They are a week old now and in a box that I can move back to the outside cage...I just don't want to stress her out. So I am looking for suggestions on how to get them and her back into her original cage outside. I can block off a level to keep the male away...they are separated now. So the bottom line question is will this stress her and what are the odds of her abandoning the kits. Any help is appreciated.
It would probably be better to wait until the kits are a bit older. Baby rabbits are very fragile and moving around could cause some issues. The mother could also get stressed and do something that could harm or kill the kits.
You may want to wait until they kits are at least 2-3 weeks old, but older can be better. If at all possible, wait until they are 5-6 weeks so that if something does happen, they can be separated from the mom safely.

It is a good idea to have a totally separate cage for the male or get him neutered. Rabbits are induced ovulators, so can get pregnant at just about any time. Males can also be fertile for up to 6 weeks after being neutered, so best keep him away from her until after then if you do get him neutered.

Females can be pregnant after giving birth, so you may have another litter about a month after the first one. This does mean the first litter will need to be weaned at 4 weeks.
I would suggest contacting Bunny World Foundation. They are an awesome organization in LA. They can help you with with housing suggestions and can assist you with adopting out the babies (if that's what you want to do). They may also be able to help with low-cost spaying and neutering.

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