Name Game!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
It's siblings have been named by behavior and character traits because we're not keeping them and don't want to get attached. (Trouble, Bouncy, Sleepy, Thing 1, and Thing 2) This little one, however, will be staying in the family. We're looking for a gender neutral name, preferably foreign, and if it means something, all the better. If not, that's ok. Our current rabbits are Benvolio (Benny) and Penny Princess (Penny). It loves to cuddle, but it also loves to explore.


Maybe if you told us some more about yourself (interests, likes/dislikes, music, etc.) we could come up with some creative suggestions :)

Any favourite books? Movie genres?

Does he have any particular habits yet?

Ooh, try this-->Magical Cat Name

Yes, I know it isn't a bun site, but it comes up with some incredible names!

eg. Bambino

My fiance and I are big video game dorks, both old games and newer (Mario, Zelda, Left 4 Dead, WoW, etc.) The baby is the biggest of the bunch and always seems to be up for an adventure (aka, bugging mom and running around the cage). We like anime and manga and are also looking to learn Japanese and visit Japan soon. Typical dorky geeks. He does computer programming for a hobby when he's not playing video games. I read fantasy novels (Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica, etc.) as well as some deeper stuff (Lord of the Flies, The Giver, Brave New World, Beowulf. Yes, I read Beowulf for fun. Shush.)

You could call it:
PC (Player Character)
Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start (it's a mouthful but you could call him konami for short).

those are just some ideas, Moogle made me giggle!
Saudade wrote:
Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start (it's a mouthful but you could call him konami for short).

Hmm, what about Nomaru, Moonbeam, Gandalf the Grey, Pepper, Dusk...

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