I'ddefinitely get the vaccine if there's any chance at all of him comingin contact with wild rabbits and their fleas - which is the way thedisease is transmitted. The wild rabbit population was pretty muchwiped out round here last autumn by myxy though I've noticed a fewyoung ones again recently.
Something to be aware of is that the vaccine doesn't always work,especially (apparently) on larger rabbits so making sure that he's gotas little chanceas possible of catching it as well asvaccinating him is probably a good idea. In high risk areas every sixmonths is recommended.
Also if he's outside with wild rabbits around you really want to gethim vaccinated against Viral Haemorrage Disease (VHD) which is ahorrible and fatal illness that rabbits can get and can be transmittedvery easily, much more easily than myxy. I believe that vaccine iseffective whatever the size of rabbit.
Good to see you posting again, how is Austin?