My weird rabbit!

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Oct 19, 2008
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Hi everyone! My husband and I have 4 house rabbits, 3 of which are completely normal, then there's Riley our little lionhead. We've been trying to feed him every rabbit safe veggie under the sun since he was a baby and he turns his nose up at everything. We recently planted a small herb garden and we randomly tried giving Riley parsley from it, and he ate it immediately. Then we gave him a piece of mint which he also ate right away. We then went to the fridge and tried to give him store bought mint and parsley which he refused. It's easy for us to keep a small garden for the summer but not so much in the winter. Has anyone experienced this- a rabbit only eating garden veggies and not store bought? Any ideas as to why? Or is our guy just a weird little brat? :biggrin:
It's not something I've experienced personally, no, but have you tried warming up (as in letting it sit out until it gets to room temp) the fridge stuff before offering it to him? Maybe he just doesn't like his veggies cold.
missyscove wrote:
It's not something I've experienced personally, no, but have you tried warming up (as in letting it sit out until it gets to room temp) the fridge stuff before offering it to him? Maybe he just doesn't like his veggies cold.

That's actually a brilliant suggestion! I would never have thought of that.

I think it's the "Organic" ness. Your bun likes the "homegrown" veggies. That's "organic" if no pesticides were used, etc. It's definitely a great thing!!:D
jcottonl02 wrote:
missyscove wrote:
It's not something I've experienced personally, no, but have you tried warming up (as in letting it sit out until it gets to room temp) the fridge stuff before offering it to him? Maybe he just doesn't like his veggies cold.

That's actually a brilliant suggestion! I would never have thought of that.

We do that w/ Snuff, he prefers his parsley at close to room temp, not so cold on his toofies.:rollseyes
Thanks for the advice everyone! We've tried room temp before and he's just not feeling it! I think he must only like organic (smart guy!) we'll just have to plant more of his faves for him. Thanks again!

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