My Rabbits Hate Me!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, , Australia
Do rabbits forget who you are?

Last semester around december, my girlfriend and I decided to move are rabbits back to Hong Kong(Cost a fortune >.<!).

Since we only had a year left in Australia before we finished (Uni Students), we figured it would be easier to move them back prior to our big move to save ourselves some trouble.
My girlfriend's parents are currently looking after them and they've adjusted quite well to their new living area and they made a new friend! (GF owns a Pug)

Anyways I went back for holidays a month ago, and it seemed like they completely forgot who I was. It's only been a couple of months but both of them want nothing to do with me.

Dumbo the more docile one, won't stop running away from me when I try to pet her and Latte the more aggressive one, would grunt or lunge at me whenever I go near her. =(

Is this normal?
Oh and here is an update on how everyone looks :p

The rabbits live in 4x3 ft tiled area, with a litter box in a corner. Who only Latte pees in, Dumbo prefers to pee on their hay in the other corner...
But It's probably a territorial thing, we had this issue back in our apartment in Australia and was easily fixed by getting another litter box for dumbo.
But sadly if we put 2 litter boxes in their play area it would leave them with too little space.

GF's mom spoils them with fresh veggies and treats everyday >< along with their normal timothy hay and timothy pellets..
And she lets them out every night for an hour or so in the living room where they like to run around and sit under the dining table.
Or have staring contests with the dog.

Although I'm sure they miss their old life style, 24/7 free roam of my apartment in Melbourne.. We really miss them =(




We go away for a weekend and Gus acts like he doesn't know who we are. :pI think rabbits have very long memories, so I don't think they've forgotten who you are. They may just be mad at you for leaving them. Give them a few weeks (and a few treats! ;) ) and they'll come around again.

Hope that helps!

Or verrry short memories >.<... well nothing I can do now, as I am back in Melbourne. Will be moving back in December, so will probably get proper time to reacquaint myself with them then..
Oh My Goodness, they are adorable.

That's great that your girl friend's mother is taking care of them. Since my separation/divorce it's me, myself and I. No trips or anything for me.



Get your girlfriend's mother to take pictures for us, I mean for you to post for us. :biggrin:

Sorry to hear that =( .. as for the photos it would be highly unlikely, as her mom barely understands how to use a computer.
Asking her to take photos, and upload them for me would be quite a bit of a hassle :p. I promise I'll take more next time I'm back.

There are a few Old photos on this post I made several years ago if you are interested:

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