My little ones!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
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hartford, , USA
Baby bean <3
Well his name used to be twizzler till one day he decided to be a silly bunny and got his binkies out of control and fell out of his cage and into the woods!! So the name jumping bean was summened lol He is still very timid. I havent seen him play with the other two but from what i can tell so far is he is a shy baby who LOVES her mama.Every time i go in the cage she is the first one to her mamas side! but also the first one to run away when she notices that mama is ok :p This little girl has my heart after what she did to me. Hopefully tomorrow ill see more of her personality shine through. Who knows maybe she will be different!




Little "toby"
I dont know exactly how i got that name lol. I was at work one day trying to come up with names for them and for some reason i came up with toby and it stuck. This little guy today was a hoot! She stuck by her sisters side for maybe 5 minutes (enough to snap some cute photos!) then was off to explore! I was laying on my stomach and she was crawling all over me and even trying to get into my pants :O! I tried to get some photos of her running around but she was to fast. We were in the same room as there papa and once he started to make noise she hid behind me and was like nope nope im not here hide me!! It was cute. This one is a little weezel though. I would see her trying to chew on my laptop charger i would say no and she would give me that look like "UMMMMM excuse me! You can yell at me! Im cute and adorable!"


Baby dorito
Again dont ask how i got this name. Its def going to change because it doesnt fit her personality what so ever. This little girl is so shy, while Toby was running around exploring she sat in the corner of my bed just sleeping. She was acting like a little princess. She is def a mamas girl. Thats what trudy used to do when she would hangout on my bed. Just sit in a corner and didnt like to be bothered. After awhile though once she noticed how much fun toby was having she had to join in the fun a little bit! She started to crawl around me but i think fribble (papa) scared her and she went back to her corner :p



After having a very difficult last few months i thought that having little ones of any kind was going to be difficult but these guys have def changed that for me. I will be so sad to watch them find new homes, but i know the homes i pick for them will be great and if i dont then so be it! Mama could use the company. She will be spayed in a few months then it will be the babies turn. I still cant believe that its been 4 weeks since trudy surprised me with these little ones! It also looks like its going to be 3 little girls from what i can tell so far! I have a feeling that will change in the next few weeks though <3 <3

oh and .... :) cuteness OVERLOAD!


Their so cute :) thankyou for sharing!!
I can remember when you told us about the surprise. It does go by fast. So thrilled it's been such a great experience for you. I think you made some excellent plans for the future for those little ones and Mom.

Thanks so much for sharing! They are absolutely precious.

SURE ill send her first class tomorrow :p gotta promise me to take care of that little munchkin!
Good she will be there tomorrow :) :) Well thats if i can actually get her to the airport onto a plane and on her way to cali... She is just to fluffy to let go!
I just "awwwwwwwwww"ed my way through all those pictures! They're all so, so sweet! Toby looks like my Tallulah and Dorito looks like my Phoebe Mae. Adorable! And Bean is so sweet with the white on her mouth :big kiss:
I think i might be keeping bean and toby :p atleast i can find them really good homes! If i do they will be fixed as soon as possible!! My mom doesnt know of my plans yet to maybe keep bean and toby for a little while :p
fribble2110 wrote:
I think i might be keeping bean and toby :p atleast i can find them really good homes! If i do they will be fixed as soon as possible!! My mom doesnt know of my plans yet to maybe keep bean and toby for a little while :p
lol I totally would keep them :p
Lol I have guinea pigs. They are named Twizzler and Jelly Bean so i think you have great taste in names. :pYour bunsare really adorable by the way!
I love them! Such cuteness! :inlove:

The little milk mustache is so cute I just want to kiss her nose! There's no way to give up all that cuteness.
Awww just gorgeous..
Thank you everyone!!! I just love them! They are so cute and silly!! Im actually really happy bobby made this happen :p the experiance has been amazing! These little ones make my day so much better!

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