My Horatio: A Little Dwarf with a Big Heart ♥

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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
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Tokyo, Japan
We got Horatio after our hearts were saddened by our first ever pet on our own - Napoleon. He was a beautiful boy, but he bit and scratched and gave us terrible scars on our hearts and our skin. We were lost as to what to do - We loved him so dearly but the emotional and physical strain he put on me was too much to handle, and my fiance knew I was unhappy. Meanwhile, my mum was secretly plotting away, and had bought an 8 week old Netherland Dwarf that was guaranteed to be a cuddler as it was constantly taken to uni for vet science study and had to be handled all day.

So Napoleon moved in with my mum, and Horatio came to live in our small apartment with me and my fiance. Little did we know at the time, that he would be the best thing that ever happened to us. We fell in love with the tiny little runt of the litter the moment we held him, and he tooth purred and licked me all the way home. I knew we would love each other forever.

From then on it has been nothing but amazing with out Horatio. He has been neutered, even thought he only hormones we saw come were a little bit of friskiness, and is now fully toilet trained. He free roams our study when we are home and soon he will have the apartment too (when he gets used to the study a bit more). I made sure I took it slow with Ray this time, as Napoleon was given too much freedom at once because we couldn't control him. He fit in right away though and was binkying and snuggling up with us on the first night. He would flop everywhere, and was just so exciting to be with us in his new home :3

He loves to cuddle, and will lay on his back for hours while I stroke him. He tooth purrs every time I give him pets or cuddles, and when he was young would flop and fall fast asleep while I pet him. He is a little more active now, but will always stop whatever he is doing if I come for cuddles. He gets sultanas and dried mango as treats while I try to teach him to come and stand, and he also gets it when he is good for mummy and sits still while I trim his nails and brush him. He LOVES getting brushed and he is 100X more softer since I started brushing him every night. He also loves to sit on my shoulder like a parrot and watch tv for hours at a time. Sometimes it's for a little too long though and he wees on my shoulder 0___o;

I have never loved an animal like I love Horatio (and my mum owns a private wildlife sanctuary, so I have owned and met A LOT of animals). I have also never felt so loved by another animal like I do with Horatio. Dogs can lick and cats can purr, but there is something so much more deep and meaningful with the love of a rabbit, probably because they have to give you a lot of trust because they are usually prey in the wild.

Soon my mums cage that she has been building for a while for Ray will be ready. It is 2 levels (one is a loft) and is bigger than his dog crate now. It will be al varnished wood on the outside that will open up like house shutters, and his door will flip on top and be painted in black board paint so I can draw on it for uni! It will also have a book shelf attached on top, have a steel frame and a mosaic tile floor on the bottom with a carpet ramp. Can you tell he is spoilt? XD

Here is my collection of photos of my little prince starting from oldest to youngest. He is almost 5 months now and is almost 1kg :)






































Aw the heart in the topic didn't work -____-''
Oh well
What an absolutely lovely bunny Horatio is turning out to be. Absolutely so thrilled for you.

Yep, have to say, Bunnies are definitely awesome companions! Especially when you fully connect with them, like you have with Horatio.

Thanks so much for sharing all the pics!

Thanks Karen :3 He is an absoute angel - He doesn't chew anything he's not suppose to (well.. not yet), he behaves himself when he is alone and uses his trays (mostly in his actual cage) and he LOVES to groom my face and eyebrows hehe XD

We are slowly getting him onto veggies now and he is doing very well. So far he only likes Bok Choy though -__-' But it's good because we know it doesn't upset his tummy so he gets that every night and then we try something new each time and see if he likes it/it agrees with his tummy. So far only Basil is acceptable with his Bok Choy for the little prince :ppp

He's now almost completely healed from his neuter surgery which is great because he pulled out both stitches within 12 hours and we were quite worried!

He makes our lives so much better. There will be more photos to come - I love capturing every moment with him :}
toyabrooke wrote:
Thanks Karen :3 He is an absoute angel - He doesn't chew anything he's not suppose to (well.. not yet), he behaves himself when he is alone and uses his trays (mostly in his actual cage) and he LOVES to groom my face and eyebrows hehe XD

We are slowly getting him onto veggies now and he is doing very well. So far he only likes Bok Choy though -__-' But it's good because we know it doesn't upset his tummy so he gets that every night and then we try something new each time and see if he likes it/it agrees with his tummy. So far only Basil is acceptable with his Bok Choy for the little prince :ppp

He's now almost completely healed from his neuter surgery which is great because he pulled out both stitches within 12 hours and we were quite worried!

He makes our lives so much better. There will be more photos to come - I love capturing every moment with him :}
Good to hear Horatio is not a chewer. I'm lucky too. Have 5 that don't chew anything except hay and their cardboard and hay mats. Neville will chew on the towel while I'm grooming him, but that's just his way of showing he's frustrated and wants to run. We deal with it and so does he. After a bit, he calms down.

Glad to hear Horatio is starting greens. Good that you are going slowly. I think it's the best way for bunnies.

Silly Horatio, pulling out his stitches. But glad to hear he's completely healed. Give him 2 months, and those nasty hormones will subside for good.

Bunnies do make life so much better. Can't wait to see the new pics. I'm like you, love capturing every moment. They do make me laugh!

Actually the only signs of hormones we saw was he new found love for humping my arm XD and he wasn't as good toilet training. But the first day after the surgery he was PERFECT going in his trays outside his cage and no humping! It was like a magic switch unlike with Napoleon... He still acts like he was NEVER neutered at all and its well past 4 months after the surgery x___x But we won't give up on him - He still lives at mums happy as ever! Maybe he is more of a... unsocial bunny who likes time on his own ;p

I couldn't believe it the next morning he has already pulled out a stitch - It was like "WHAT you are so wonderful and such a quiet little boy and Poe who was a little monster most of the time didn't touch his stitches until the last day!" =__= But I love how different they all are, just like humans!

If I ever lost Ray I don't know if I could get another rabbit again... He has just made our world such a happy place, I don't know if any other animal or bunny could compare :C I hope we have a long happy life with him though. He deserves it ^___^

I'm glad you like my little Horatio blog though! :B Yours is amazing - I love all your fluffy little bunnies! Can't wait for the eventual babies eeee!! =:3
Some more pictures of my little love of my life!





















Dogs can lick and cats can purr, but there is something so much more deep and meaningful with the love of a rabbit, probably because they have to give you a lot of trust because they are usually prey in the wild.

^^^^i especially agree with this statement. I can't believe how much I love my Agnes. My friends think I'm nuts. Don't understand how awesome it to gain the love and respect of a bun. I was so glad to have found this forum where I can talk about my love for my Agnes and no one thinks I'm a weirdo :)

Your Horatio is adorable and it is so cute to see how he has bonded to you. I'm glad his neuter went well. I'm nervous to get Agnes fixed! But I know I should do it for health reasons.

Welcome to RO. Thanks for sharing your pics. He is a doll bunny!
Ray's new home made cage! My mum made it - She is quite the builder










Looks good. Your Mom did a really nice job on that home made crate.

How does Ray like it? Looks nice and roomy for him. Definitely well thought out.

Thanks so much for sharing. Your Mom is definitely a builder. Excellent.

He loves it! He especially loves the soft fluffy floor on top of his cottage. He is getting much better with the ramp too. He will have it nailed in now time

We are so glad he can have some more room now. Not that he was in a tiny cage before, but now I don't have to worry when I am out late or anything because I know he can tare around in this and be happy. He still loves to come out and do lots of binkies in the morning, and then race around our apartment at night though ;PP

Thanks Karen - She is very proud of her work. She wanted to do more with it, but we just ran out of time and we wanted it ASAP. We all love it though. So glad we could make out little bunny buns happy :3

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