My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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OMG; what a difference. He´s like a little Sooty face and I just love his colouring on his back. He does remind me a bit of Houdini although Roo´s face is much darker but he´s got less markings on his back but so did Houdini when he was younger. He´s just adorable, you must take a photo face on, would love what he looks like. And the first one is so cute, I´ve got quite a few of those where they get too close trying to see exactly what you´re doing. Jenny, I´m happy, I´ve had my fix haha.
I didn't tell you guys about Ellie last night. I just commented on the adorableness that is Roo and Libby! haha.

First let me tell you guys about Ellie JUST now! I went in to make myself a cup of coffee and I look over at Ellie and she is trying to get into the dog food bowl to eat dog food. I go over and push her out and tell her she doesn't eat dog food! haha. I looked in her pellet bowl and it was EMPTY! She ate a full 1/2 cup yesterday! Like with almost no problem, she seems to be eating the Sherwood SO much better than she was a few days ago. Its probably because there are like 1/4 tsp of the kaytee pellets just sprinkled on top, lol.

Okay, back to last night. I am mostly Irish and I blame that on my serious love for cabbage and potatoes, lol. I boiled some cabbage and potatoes(peasant food!) on Sunday and I was eating some left overs last night in the floor with Ellie. I had a glass of green tea and my plate set on a book. She licked my glass and licked some of the green tea off of the rim, where I spilled when I poured. lol, then she kept sniffing my plate like she wanted to get into the plate with my food and eat my food! She did lick the edge of my plate, but I picked it up so she couldn't get into it! haha.
While I was reading she was jumping on and over my book, nibbling the pages and the hardback covers. haha. She was pretty funny.
Then she started to dig on the knee of my pants. I was sitting cross legged and she was standing up digging at my knee and then she would lick my pants after she dug there. It was weird and a little funny! She is really coming around to me. She was binkying around again last night. She would jump into her cage and binky and popcorn around in her cage! haha. Then she would get out and take off over my book.

She actually let me pet her for a few minutes! I was reading and I started to pet her nose and she rested her head on my book and let me give her nose rubs for well over 5 minutes! I thought that was a big step for her.

Now for litter box chat! haha. Since she stays out of her cage so much now, she barely uses her big litter box in her cage. She uses her little one between the cage and the dryer more than anything. I sort of think that I should put the big litter box in the corner and her small one back in the cage. I would rather her pee over the side in her plastic bottomed cage than pee on my floor, lol. I now know why she pees over the edge though, she likes to put her butt right on the edge of the box to eat the little bits of hay in the middle of the box, lol. She also likes to sit on the hay mound to get the stray hay out of the middle, where the pine pellets meet the hay pile.
She has only had a few stray poops outside her litter box out of the cage and NO stray pees!
I have a second small litter box, should I put that one next to the other small on in the floor? To make it appear like a large box? I bet she would use it better and I bet she would not have any stray poops. I think I might put that litter box there.

I feel like there was something else, but I can't remember now, lol.
Thats enough rambling for today! I've got to clean my house! I haven't had any motivation to do anything in the last few days. So I haven't done anything in the last few days, I really wish I was kidding. I cooked dinner Monday night and thats the last time I cooked and the last time I did dishes! How do you guys get the motivation to do anything? I'm having some mental stuff and its really been getting to me. Like, I can't even MAKE myself do anything, other than take care of my kid. I don't know whats going on, its really bothering me.
My gorgeous, clever little Ellie, she´s a curious bun and wants to know everything, that´s so funny trying to get the dog food and then your food. Great to hear she´s eating all her pellets, she´s settling down into it now.

I go mad with mine for eating my work papers and books I´m trying to read. I took some papers with me the other week that Houdini has been nibbling on, when I got them out, I really got some funny looks and didn´t really want to say that my bunny was a bit peckish. And that digging thing, Houdini does it all the time, loves his blanket on the sofa but loves my jumpers. The funniest one for that is Bandy cos if I pick him up to groom him when I finally let him go, he always has a dig at my trousers and then bites my leg just to show that he really doesn´t like being handled like that, he´s not a great one for grooming and boy does he need it.

Morgan, I thought of you earlier as something really funny happened to me this morning. I went to the bank ( not my regular one, I might add) and went through the main door and it looked like there was an automatic door in front of me, glass with a separation in the middle. I stood in front of it and waited for it to open. It didn´t so I stepped back and then forward again to see if it would work. I then noticed two guys on the other side of the glass sort of smirking and pointing to my left which was where the other door was...did I feel stupid or what, glad three was no Candid camera but I´ve been laughing at myself all day since.

As for her litter, if she´s spending more time out and uses the big box really well, I might be tempted to put that one outside and the smaller one in her cage. Can you move it back and forth or is that too complicated ?? I´m glad she´s getting more time out though, she´s growing fast and learning even faster. More pics please, I need my Ellie fix now, I´ve had my Roo fix this week hahaha.
Yes, I can move them. I don't have to attach them to the side of the cage like I did with Foo. So moving them will be easy, I might do it when I clean them out later today. I'll post some pictures tonight. She's napping the corner between the fridge and the hamper right now. I'll try to get some good ones of her tonight.

She is very curious and very funny! She's a fatty too! I picked her up last night and she had a little heft to her! I bet she weighs over a pound now. lol
Ohhhh, I just want to pick her up and cuddle her.....she is growing, she´ll soon be catching Snowy who is just over 2llbs and is my smallest. It´s so funny, they all have their favourite nap spot, mine do, I always know where they are in the afternoons.
What is it with the dog food!? You must feed awfully tasty dog food for both of your rabbits to want to eat it. Either that, or she doesn't know she's a rabbit, since she is apparently trying to eat your food also :)

I have a hard time in the winter too. Mine is that I'm freezing cold all of the time, even in the house. I know that some people have problems with the decreased sunlight and not producing enough vit D. Could that maybe be the problem?

I have a bit of irish in me too. I have this delicious irish fried potato and cabbage dish, that I got from some tv program once at st. patricks day. It's really yummy but not very simple to cook. When I feel up to it, I'll make it for st. patty's day. I'm usually worn out afterwards(I'm not much of a cook) but it's always so good that I'm glad I made it. Do you do your cabbage and potatoes like bubble and squeak? My sister made it once and it was really good. Oh, and another irish potato thing that I really got to liking when I went there several years ago, was gravy chips. It's just good thick cut fries with gravy poured over the top. It seemed like a strange idea at the time(though I don't know why since it's just potatoes and gravy essentially), but I ended up loving it. Can't get it here though, so I go to kfc and get their potato wedges and a side of gravy. Haha, so I found a way to get them.

See, Ellie is coming around to pets. It's just a matter of time and she'll be snuggling up with you :) I always kind of wonder what they are trying to communicate with the digging. I've had some rabbits that would do it when I had them out playing and they needed to potty and there wasn't a litter box nearby, then some rabbits would do it cause I was in their way and they wanted me to move my leg. I think sometimes they want to move our clothes out of the way. Maybe Ellie wanted to groom you and wanted your pants out of the way :)

Ok, so this is bad. We talk so much about our two buns now that I found myself calling Roo, Ellie today. Bad bad mommy! To forget her own baby bunnies name, haha.

Chris, Snowy must be all fluff to only weigh 2 lbs. He looks bigger than that in the pics.
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Here you go Jenny!

Poutine(french fries with gravy and cheese curds)
1. 4 lb russet potatoes; skin on, washed and dried
2. 4 tbsp unsalted butter
3. 1/4 c. flour
4. 1 shallot, minced
5. 1 clove garlic, minced
6. 4 c. beef stock
7. 2 tbsp ketchup
8. 1 tbsp cider vinegar
9. 1 tbsp whole green pepper corns
10. 1/2 tsp worchestershire sauce
11. salt and pepper
12. canola oil for frying
13. 2 cups cheddar cheese curds

1. Cut potatoes into lengths of about 1/4" x 1/4" x 4". Place in a large bowl filled with cold water. Place in fridge for 2 hours.
2. Meanwhile, heat butter in 2 quart saucepan over med-high heat. Add flour and cook stirring until smooth, about 2 minutes. Add shallot and garlic and cook until soft; about 2 minutes. Add stock, ketchup, vinegar, peppercorns, worchestershire and salt and pepper; bring to a boil. Cook stirring until thickened; about 6 minutes. Remove from heat, keep gravy warm.
3. Pour oil to a depth of 3 inches in a 6 quart dutch oven and heat over med-heat until a temp of 325* is reached. Drain potatoes and dry thoroughly with paper towels, working in small batches, add potatoes and fry. Tossing occasionally, until tender and slightly crisp, about 4 minutes.
4. Drain, let cool for 20 minutes. Increase temp of oil to med-high, to 375*. Working in small batches, return to oil and fry, tossing occasionally. Until crisp and golden. Drain. Put in serving bowl, cover with gravy and cheese.
And then enjoy!

Its probably a little different than what you had, its not Irish either, I think its french. I've never made it, but it seems totally delicious.
Now about my dog food. Yes, its good. My dog goes crazy for it. My rabbits do too. haha. Its from this small town in Texas where its American family operated, grown, made and shipped. The company has been in business since like 1918 and they've never had a recall. I pay a little over $2 a lb for it. It doesn't have any corn or by-products in it. Its made from chicken and brown rice. It actually smells pretty good.

I don't think that my rabbits have known they're rabbits. I think they think they're dogs, because they aren't in cages. Maybe its the way the food smells or something. Ellie didn't actually eat it but she was going for it, lol! Foo actually ate it. Like every single day, she ran to the bowl and grabbed like 2 and ate them before I could get the bowl away. I had to feed my dog in another room because Foo was stalk him over the bowl. I hope Ellie doesn't become like that, I hope she continues to NOT eat dog food and she lets my dog eat in peace. I think at that time, she was just out of pellets and was looking at the dog food like they were pellets! haha. Silly rabbit.

I think that she has grown since last night. Usually when I pet her, I feel like I'm going to smush her because she is so frail feeling and so small. I can only pet her nose/face with one finger. But tonight when I sat in there with her for a minute, I felt like I could ACTUALLY pet her! I feel like she doubled in size in one night and I could actually give her a good rub! haha. She looks more like a big rabbit now, in the face. It seems like in the blink of an eye she's going to be a big bunny!

And I think that I need to start taking my vitamins again, maybe that will make me feel better! The summer time is definitely better for me, since I CAN be in the sun all the time. I usually till my own garden by hand and spend a lot of time in my flower beds. I know I'll be putting a lot of man hours into my flower beds this year, I have a diseased peach tree and a diseased rose bush, the jerks. Not to mention my garden, but thats for another conversation.

I have to go ahead and share about the Sunday coming up. That is going to be the LONGEST day of my life. My best friend is getting married and I am one of the bridesmaids, she is making me go to a Bridal Expo. OMG! I want to jump off a cliff. I have to get to her house at 9am on Sunday, we have to be at the train station at 10 to go into the city. We're registering to win a bunch of bridal things at 11 and the expo actually kicks off at 12pm. It lasts until 5 when they finish off with a wedding dress fashion show. I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but its the premier wedding event planners of the Charlotte area. There will be, center piece samples, catering samples, plate/charger designs, invitations, flowers, hair, dresses, and cake, cake and more cake! And wine, wine and more wine! You guys know I love my wine! There will also be contests, make-up testers, hair stylists and cake. I know I said cake, but we were told that there is SO much cake, lol.
Then at 6 after all the festivities of the day at the Expo, we're going to the dress shop to be measured and fitted for our dresses. The owner is a friend of the bride's and she's opening the shop special for us.
LONGEST DAY EVER. I'm going to need like 3 redbulls, 8 cups of coffee, all my vitamins and a xanax.
I'm in charge of picture taking, so if I get good stuff, I'll share with you guys so you can see what its like to go to bridal expo, if you guys haven't been to one.
Ok, I just wrote this whole long post, AND IT'S GONE!!! Blah blah blah blah blah. I can't bear to write it all out again. Maybe tomorrow. I HATE COMPUTERS!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for the rant. I'm just feeling a little frustrated.
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Mmmmm, food, I´m just out of bed and hungry. Lots of Irish on here, I´m also part Irish, my surname is all Irish (Dockerty). I love gravy with anything but I think that on chips is a British thing as well as we love gravy on antything. And my friend loves bubble and squeak made with all the left over veg, I´m not so keen on it but will eat it if offererd. I used to do Irish dancing when I was a kid, I even used to compete in the All England championships. I gave it up when I was about 16 as I couldn´t fit it round my studies and I remember when Lord of the Dance became huge, my mom saying " I told you, you should have stuck at it" Uhhhhhh, mom you were the one that told me I had to give it up. Will try your recipe Jenny, it sounds good.

Wow, just looked down to check what you´d all said and your long post popped up, it´s happened to me a couple of times in the last days where you must be writing while I´m reading and´s magic.

That bridal expo sounds great, at least you´ll have loads to do and you might win one of the prizes. And free wine, well, I´d be there as well. A bridesmaid, I haven´t been one of those for years. I was a bridesmaid 7 times and you know what they say "always a bridesmaid". I never did get married. When I went to my friend´s Silver Wedding party the other week, I was remembering the bridesmaid dress we had...worst one ever. It was a kind of printed, lavender satin with a drop waist and three quarter length. No shape and I am only 5ft 2in so looked like I had no legs. Well, I suppose the bride has to look the most beautiful on that day so knock out the competetion haha.Can´wait to see the pics.

Sunshine is an upper, we´re lucky that the weather is reasonably good here most of the year but when we have a really wet, dull spell, it does bring you down and is a bit depressing. Don´t know how I ever managed to live in the UK, it´s always raining there and miserable but when I see stuff about Alaska, how do you cope with it being dark all the time. Your body clock must be totally out of syn ??

Ellie and the dog food...maybe it just looks tastier to her than her own. Can´t believe she´s growing so fast although I do remember they turn from babies to grown ups overnight but you always have those photos and memories of your little baby girl.

And Snowy is only a little chap. Bandy, my fluffy ball weighs 31lb 10oz, most of that being the fur on him, I´m sure if I took it all off, he´d weigh half of that and Houdini is in the middle at 2llb 11oz. I weighed the all on my friend´s scales last week, the first time I´ve done it. Have you weighed Ellie lately, Morgan, would be interesting to see how much she weighs now. I remember when I took Bandy to the vet four days after getting him and he weighed 200g.
No i haven't weighed her yet. I'll be taking her to the vet soon for a well-baby check up, i can't wait to see how much she weighs and how old he thinks she is. He's an ARBA judge too, so he may be able to give me a pretty good guess at her age!

She keeps digging and nipping at my pants. I wonder what she wants? Maybe she doesn't like that they say "ho ho ho" on them because Christmas has been over for a while. lol
I think I have sufficiently recovered from the trauma of losing my well thought out, touching, and wonderful post, that you guys will never see cause it is now lost in cyberspace. Yes you can smile, cause you have been spared the torture of me blathering on, cause it was long, and I'm pretty sure I had been blathering :\

So anyways..... I was saying that the recipe looked really good. I'm not much of a cook these days, but I may have to give it a try. All this food talk you and Chris do, is always making me hungry :)

Chris, I love that you used to do irish step dancing! I wanted to give it a try once, but I'm all left feet unfortunately, and not much of a dancer. My irish heritage is pretty far back, but I feel really drawn to it, plus I have red hair, so doesn't that automatically make me irish? Lol, jk. When I was over in the UK about 11 years ago, I traveled up to N. Ireland, and just loved it there. I just felt like I was at home there in a way. I would love to go back one day, not sure if it will happen, but I can always hope it will :) About as close as I get now is through watching BBC shows.

Maybe Ellie is digging at your pants cause she wants to lick your leg. Can't think of what else it would be. Unless she wants you to move your leg so she can crawl under. My buns will do that. They'll nudge my leg to get me to move it. I can tell Ellie has grown a ton too. You can see in her pictures how she's changed from this fragile skinny little thing, to this plump little furball :)

I hope your bridal excursion is loads of fun and that you have a great time. For me, it would be pure torture, but then, I am a little odd :) Free food is always a bonus though!

I'm not much of a gardener, but I remember my dad talking about his diseased fruit trees and using industrial strength hydrogen peroxide by pouring it in the soil around the trees, to kill whatever was causing the disease. I don't know if something like that will help. Not that I really know what I'm talking about. When it comes to plants, they survive better if I just leave them alone :)

Well, losing my last post didn't seem to stop me from blathering this time :\
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bridal... expo?? for SIX HOURS?? dear god... I'd rather slit my wrists. double up on the xanax and wine! I'd go NUTS if I ever had to go to one of those. it's never happened and it never will.

No, its Precise. Its from Nacogdoches, TX. Boy, im glad i only had to spell that town out, i have no idea how to say it! Is that even a word?

it's pronounced exactly the way it looks if you leave the g out (nacodoches) - we have a street near my part of san antonio with that name.
Hey Morgan!! SOOOOOOO I have alot of reading to do but I've missed all of Ellies new life with you and I plan to read everything since I left :)

Miss you and hope things are good. I just wanted to pop in and say hi!!!!
Maybe Ellie is digging at your pants cause she wants to lick your leg. Can't think of what else it would be. Unless she wants you to move your leg so she can crawl under. My buns will do that. They'll nudge my leg to get me to move it. I can tell Ellie has grown a ton too. You can see in her pictures how she's changed from this fragile skinny little thing, to this plump little furball :)

I hope your bridal excursion is loads of fun and that you have a great time. For me, it would be pure torture, but then, I am a little odd :) Free food is always a bonus though!

I'm not much of a gardener, but I remember my dad talking about his diseased fruit trees and using industrial strength hydrogen peroxide by pouring it in the soil around the trees, to kill whatever was causing the disease. I don't know if something like that will help. Not that I really know what I'm talking about. When it comes to plants, they survive better if I just leave them alone :)

Well, losing my last post didn't seem to stop me from blathering this time :\

I think you may be right about her wanting to get under my leg. She likes to run through things and under things. When I sit with my back against the washer, she runs between my back and the washer like its a tunnel and then runs down my leg and under the hamper, up the other side of my legs, and around my back again. She did that like 20 times in a row last night. I don't know how she did it without getting dizzy!

I'm pretty sure this bridal expo is going to be a nightmare. My friend talked to one of the vendors that will be there, and she said its going to be INSANE. She said that people try to sell you things, you just walk around and look at things and theres so much stuff to look at. A LOT OF STUFF! Ahhhh. I'm not sure that I want to do this! I tried to get out of it, but couldn't! I've been friends with the bride for 10 years and if I wasn't would be bad. She is a little nervous about the people and the overwhemlingness of it too. She'll need a xanax too, lol.

I'll have to look into the hydrogen peroxide thing for the trees. My peach tree is like 60 years old and its got some kind of golden sap thing going on, I think its from a tree borer. Hopefully I'll be able to figure something out short of cutting my tree down. I don't want to cut the limbs off either, because its the perfect shape and when it blooms in the spring, with those pink blooms, its so beautiful. I'll take a picture in spring and share, its my favorite tree.
bridal... expo?? for SIX HOURS?? dear god... I'd rather slit my wrists. double up on the xanax and wine! I'd go NUTS if I ever had to go to one of those. it's never happened and it never will.

it's pronounced exactly the way it looks if you leave the g out (nacodoches) - we have a street near my part of san antonio with that name.

We didn't realize the bridal expo was going to be that long! We thought it would be just a few hours, but its going to be an all day thing. I told her we're going to have to go to bed at like 8 the night before to get enough sleep to go do this and then go for dress fittings. Imagine, a day filled with walking around with nothing but cake and wine on your stomach and a bunch of wedding dresses around, it makes me hate being a woman.
And you guys know how much I dislike people.

Why would someone name that a town AND a road. It has to be a family or something that named the town. Or it was someone with terets and a speech impediment. lmao. Texas, thats a crazy state!