My dog got hit by an SUV last night...

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2012
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Middleofsomewhere, Arkansas, USA
So last night my dad asked my 12 lb. Chihuahua/pomeranian mix (named Chico) if he wanted to go on a car ride to go pick up my mom from church. Instead of running to the van or to the mailbox to pee (which he always does before getting in the van), he ran into the road just as an SUV went speeding through the neighborhood. The SUV hit him and sent him flying to the side of the road where he laid unconscious until my dad got to him. My dad rushed him to the church and carried him in to get my mom. I was out to eat with my boyfriend and his mom when i got the call that they were on their way to pick me up because they knew Chico wanted his "mommy" with him and they knew i would want to go with to the animal ER. At the time, my boyfriend and his mom didn't seem to even care. I said what happened and that i had to go and my boyfriend just asked if i wanted my food to go. My parents had a hard time finding the restaurant so i just started jogging and crying. Fast forward about 90 minutes. My boyfriend wound up coming to the vet to be with me which i appreciated. And the best news of all, my dog walked out of the vet with just a concussion and a bruised pancreas. Today he is eating, walking around, wagging his tail, and jumping on furniture. He is still moving very slow, but my little miracle pup is going to be okay! All we can talk about since last night is that it truly is a miracle that he is okay. I still blame myself a little bit because i was planning on being home before my dad left and i might have been able to prevent it, but i decided to stay out later. Im trying to not dwell on that tho.
Words cannot express how HAPPY i am that my baby is okay.
I'm so glad he is okay :)

I had a puppy get run over and killed by a dump truck, it was horrible and something I will never forget :(
I'm so glad he's alright. Our cat got hit earlier this year and she just lost some back toenails.

So I'm happy your dog is alright! There probably isn't anything that you could have done differently, so don't hold yourself too responsible. Sometimes stuff just happens.
Those chi/poms are tough! My sister has one, and he did something similar to your Chico. He ran into the side of an SUV tire and just bounced right off, scared the tar out of him though!

I'm so glad Chico's ok!
Oh gosh, glad he's alright! I was expecting bad news, especially at only 12lbs.
I'm glad things are ok. I hope you're thinking about your bf's reaction. He doesn't sound like a good long-term fit with an animal lover. I know he redeemed himself somewhat but still it's something to keep in mind.
^^^ Agreed, Orlena is right - totally off-base reaction from your bf :/

Glad to hear your pup is ok!

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