my bunny has fleas!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
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my bun has fleas, my mom said maybe a flea collar is a good idea???
Dont use a flea collar!

Can you get him to the vet?A vetshould be able to check to determine if it's fleas, mites, or some sort of other infection. Then they will prescrible something to get rid of them.

If you absolutely cannot take your bunny to the vet you can try a small animal flea/tick spray from the pet store. But be very careful to monitor him for adverse reactions and get him to the vet if anything seems wrong. Also, be sure to keep it away from his mouth, nose and eyes.

Why do you think he has fleas? Is he itching/shedding etc?
asmuch as i would like to ger her to a vet, it won't happen:(i know it is fleas b/c i saw the little buggers myself then it jumped away and i couldn't find it again.

how much is the flea stuff? what kind should i get?
I cant remember the name of the stuff I got but it was a small animal flea & tick spray. I had to work it through the fur two times a day for a few weeks, but it worked forgetting rid of mites. I would have someone hold the bun witha towel against them (covering the face) and then spray the fur, or my hand, and work it through.

Heres some more info in our library:

Just be very careful to monitor the bun after any kind of treatment, they can have reactions very easily.
ok so my mom bought this stuff dri kill something like that, it's the cheap stuff from the feed store but it was recomended to us. i put a little sprinke in thier fur (fronts and backs and i was careful not to get it in thier eyes or near thier faces.
The only types that I know are safe are Advantage for kittens and Revolution for kittens. You already used the other stuff so I wouldn't re-treat nor would I use it again. read naurestee references on fleas and ticks.

Be extremely cautious with over the counter flea meds. NEVER use a flea color. NEVER use Frontline as it has been linked to many fatalities. Advantage has been use in many rabbits but there have been numerous reports of contadictions (that's a vet's way of saying bad death) with this product.Revolution has proven very safe. It is transdermal and will control fleas, ticks, mites and some intestinal great sruff. Ivermectin can also be used but it is toxic when improperly dosed (like most meds) and it is not as effective as Revolution. And for a "back yard" way of doing....and many wildlife rehabbers use this method....wipe down the bun with a cloth that has been dampened with Listerine..the original nasty tasting mouthwash. Go figure but it works.

I had no idea bunnies could get fleas, I thought they were like horses there fur is too thick and the strands are too close together for the fleas to move through the fur.

I guess you learn something new everyday.
so i shouldn't use the stuff i already treated her with? will the fleas go away?
What did you treat her with? What is the active ingrediant? If it is Pyrethrin it should be safe,although keep in mind that the over-the-counter treatments generally aren't as effective and you'll probably have to treat her several more times.

Also make sure to clean up the environment. I put a flea collar in my vacuum bag- IMO it's the only appropriate use for a flea collar. There are carpet treatments and such too, but you have to be careful with those because they can be toxic for pets.

i don't know what the active ingredient is-the stuff is called dri-kil there is no carpets around where she lives.
Ugh. Not to scare you, but that's rotenone. Keep an eye on her skin and eyes.

Rotenone is classified by the World Health Organisation as a moderately hazardous, Class II(18). The LD50 for rats (the amount of the chemical lethal to one-half of experimental animals) is between 132and 1,500 mg per kilogram(19). One factor in this wide variation may bethe differences in the plant extracts used(20).
The acute oral toxicity of rotenone is moderate for mammals, but there is a wide variation between species(21). It is less toxic for the mouse and hamster than for the rat; the pig seems to be especially sensitive. Recent studies have shown that in rats, rotenone is more toxic for females than males. It is highly irritating to the skin in rabbits(22), and to the eyes. In rats and dogs exposed to rotenone in dust form, the inhalation fatal dose was uniformly smaller than the oral fatal dose(23).

Sorry I didn't see this sooner. :( She'll probably be okay, if she hasn't had a reaction to it so far. This study is mostly for oral ingestion in large amounts. Just watch her.

sas :?
ra7751 wrote:
Be extremely cautious with over the counter flea meds. NEVER usea flea color. NEVER use Frontline as it has been linked to many fatalities. Advantage has been use in many rabbits but there have been numerous reports of contadictions (that's a vet's way of saying bad death) with this product.Revolution has proven very safe.

As always, great advice from Randy. :hearts

I believe Sentinal is another one that's been proven very unsafe.

The problem with Advantage seems to be more with licking it off.I had a cat that had a horrible reaction to it from licking it off another cat, I didn't follow directions and let it dry, and separate the cats for 12 or more.I hearit's the same deal with bunnies.

Program is said to be safe for rabbits. Pam Nock has posted that she's used Sevin Garden Dust (Carbaryl) for years with no problems.

But always watch closely,any bunny canhave a sensitivity to anything -- from flea meds toveggies. They're all individuals. We did havea member here with an older bun thathad a rare bad burn reaction toRevolution.

EDIT: Nobody posted the Library link, here it is:


You need to treat any other animals you have,also, ifany of your petsever come in the home, you need to treat that too, and thoroughly and often as possible.

We use Xeno 450 (which can be bought off the web)on ours which does a good job, but Xenex killed my best rabbit, so please please be careful with what you use.

Doyou have cats or anything? Often rabbits don't contract rabbit fleas, they are more commonly cat fleas that have just used the rabbit as a host because there are not cats about.

I hope that you get the problem sorted out. They can be miserable with fleas, like any animal, so I truly hope you find something that works.

Good luck.
ok, so should i discontinue using the dri-kil? i have neighbours that use it and have gotten rid of them with no problem- when i use it i only put it on their backs and bellies. i am careful not to breathe it in and i put a towel on thier faces. then i take them for a run to get the access off.
naturestee wrote:
But rabbits groom themselves, so they can still lick it off the fur. I'd stop using that and get something safer.
I personally agree. I don't know about other brands but the xeno 450helps with mites, worms, etc, and, whilst they are notsupposed to lick it until it's dry (just hold the bun until it is), itis not dangerous if they do lick it.

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