My bunny had babies...

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May 27, 2012
Reaction score
, Washington, USA
Whole time I've had my bunny I thought it was a boy.we have 3. Well bout 2weeks ago I saw him making a nest n his box I have in his cage 4him.I looked it up&fiund that boys do do that I've been letting him out for play time n the sunroom where his cage is everyday&went out after&noticed a baby on the ground!I wAs very confussed.I have my girl out there 2 n a separate cage and another boy separated also n his cage. I thought HE has 2b the mom cuz of the nest.made more sense at that point. So they look about 10ish days old.and there's 4 of them I c.I still feed her and pet her.she's a good bunny:) now my question did she get pregnant.I let the 3out at different times of the day and hav one boy smaller than her.never 2gether. Could they hav mated through the cage????
Very weird...and I still am confused. They have never been out 2gether at the same time. Ive looked it up and everypage I look at says "it's impossible for that to happen" so I don't else would it hav I need to do anything? For her or babies? She seems like a good mommy&they look ok. Her cage has 4 levels.the bottom I closed so they don't fall,cuz 1 did and I put it back n to the nest with cardboard. Their at the bottom now.but her food&waters at the they need water or other food? Besides her milk
Yeppers....rabbits can absolutely mate through a cage. I would restrict mama and babies to the lower level and provide normal food, hay and water. Mama needs it now and babies should start eating food within 2-3 weeks.

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