My Bunny bobs his head a lot....

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May 17, 2013
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I know it sounds silly but I was wondering if anyone could help me.
My bunbun, Rocco, picks things up and like carries them in his mouth, but while he is doing that the whole time he like bobbing his head up and down.

He like runs around with it and lifts it up and pushes it on the ground.

I am not really worried about it I was just wondering if anyone knew like 'what it means' if you can ever REALLY know what bunny is thinking. :p

My rocky does that too. I actually have a picture of it kind of. He will pick things up and move his head up and down. I just took it as playing and he was happy. He looks really cute doing it

Oh yes he looks super sweet doing it. lol Sometimes I think he does it out of spite. I will like be on the floor playing with him and I will have a toy in my hand and he will pull it out of my hand and walk off with it, bobbing his head the whole way.

He is such a strange, beautiful little critter.
I don't know scientifcally why they do it either,(perhaps to increase their field of vision??) I think it's just how they play. (Horses kind of do it too) Teach him to play fetch also try getting him to put objects into a bowl. Playtime is bonding time. I love when my bun picks stuff up, he loves it too. Animals do not think like humans, they are not spiteful and they don't hold grudges (frightening them it a totally different story) so don't take it personal.
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My bunny does this too, I just heard him doing it the other morning lol. I got him a little chew toy that he can toss around & boy was he doing it. I got up to see what exactly he was doing & he'd pick it up and bob his head & eventually throw it down lol

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