My broken ankle.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2008
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limerick , , Ireland
I was on a trapolene with my cousin who is kinda on the large side and we were jumping and she landed on my foot and broke my ankle up, I didn't think it was that bad because I didn't cry, i just thought it was a sprain but it was a break so after 4 days of doing nothing we finally went to the hospital they had to put it in a hard back plaster, So I'm out of action for at least a week and it could streach to 5 weeks! I'm just so annoyed, I love being active so it really is killing me.
OH NO! you poor thing!I know how hard it is to be forced to be still for so long. But you have to give it time to heal. Rough timing over the summer too... Got any good books you can get into? Video games? Got some buddies that can come visit? Projects you can work on?

Are you on crutches? Are you allowed to move about? My daughter broke her ankle a few years ago... it was rough keeping her quiet.

I hope you are not in any pain... keep busy and it'll go by faster. :hug:
omg! i broke 3 bone and fractured 4 in my wrist... i cant belive how sore it would be on a foot/ankle!!
i did not cry tears,.. but i did cry out..
i hope your ok
OMG! A few weeks, to heal, honestly you don't want the consequences of not letting it heal- trust me there. voice of experience here. though not my ankle, it was my big toe i forever will have problems with it and eventually will have to have the joint fused together. so try drawing or painting or alot of reading for a few weeks and let it rest!

Kudos to not crying tears though. That is rough to hold them back.
I broke both my ankles (not at the same time, but yea, each a diffrent ankle) so I know how you feel, I hope they give you crutches.
Get better soon!
I've never broken anything, but I slipped on the ice in Chicago, many moons ago, and sprained my ankle. It swelled up to the size of a baseball, and my big and little toes turned black, and I was nearly ready to pass out in pain before I let my girlfriend take me to the hospital.

Good luck! :) I hope it heals well and quickly! :)
Hope it heals soon!

Gordon, they say spraining is worse then breaking, I can see how!
You poor thing! What a bummer this happening during the summer holidays:( Well, at least the weather hasn't been up to much lately:)
Take the advice from above- rest that ankle. If it doesn't heal properly you will probably have problems the rest of your life. I had broken a pinky years age ( I know laughable compared to an ankle) but anyway I didn't give it time to heal. I was young and far too busy to care for it properly. Now it sticks out away from my other fingers and aches like nobodys business when the weather changes. I actually cry from it sometime. The doc said massive arthritis has set in and it is only gonna get worse. I'm only 31 years young and shouldn't have arthritis this young but it's my own fault. So please give it time to heal. Yeah it stinks but so does living with the consequences.
Thanks everybody for being so nice, Yeah I have been a bit bored lately, But I'm reading a really good series of books, And have been on here alot! Oh god the weather has been real good in Limerick for the past few days so it is kinda annoying! And I can't do much with the bunnies because I have to use crutches witch is really killing me because I love spending time with them. I just had Sebastian in my room playing! Lets just hope when we go in next Tuesday the doctor says I'm all better, I was also kinda bummed out because I couldn't go to the harry potter opening with my friends and I love the films but thankfully Irishbunny told me it wasn't as good as the last few.

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