My baby has turned cranky!

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Active Member
Apr 28, 2010
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Wollongong, , Australia
Im so upset. My beautiful bun Daphne has turned crankey and snarled/growled? (made a really weird noise at me).

Im really sad because i've been trying to get her used to me, so they love the christmas tree lots and so i've been sitting on the lounge reading next to them for the last two weeks or so and then move to the floor and try to pat them a bit.

Daphne is in love with the tree, shes never been overly interested in coming inside that much but she will spend forever just playing under the skirt of the tree, nibbling on stray needles or flopping underneath it.

The back part of the tree whch is against the wall is where they snooze and play. And a few days ago she made a funny noise which sounded like a growl kinda, but I thought it was a one off.

Today I put my hand out to touch her, and she didn't move so I took it a bit closer, and she didn't move and I slowly touched the top of her head, then she growled and kinda knocked my hands away with her two paws...

Is it because she hates me :( or is she territorial over the tree? Shes about 10 months old and has never made a peep before! (Our other bunny makes a sqqueaky noise when they play but never a growl, if he doesnt want to be patted he runs).

I make sure she doesn't eat too many of the needles. Its more the tree she likes or maybe the shelter it provides. She's not desexed, and neither is my other female bun.
im confused i thought u said one was a female and one was a male in first post..?..if they are oposite sex and not fixed then she is pregnant...if they are both girls and not fixed then they are prob on the verge of a good fight and if u put ur hand where she is and shes fuming she might end up takin it out on you..gotta fix em..
sorry. we call Willoughby "he" as we initially thought it was a boy. They are both girls, and both get along perfectly. They are pretty well bonded and have never had a scuffle (they have been together since March). Daphne is ocasionally a bit heavy on the grooming and looks like its a bit rough but Willoughby has never been put off by it, though ocassionally when Daph is like that he will just run away. Getting them desexed her is really expensive and hard to find someone to do.. I hate the idea of having surgery on them and the risks :(
The risks of not spaying them is far greater then not fixing them.

They're getting along FOR prepared for some major hormones to go flying and chances are pretty soon they won't be getting long anymore. They need to be fixed, no matter the cost, it's something that needs to be done.

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