My babies are growing up

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2010
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Manchester, Kentucky, USA
Seems like just a few days ago I was posting photos of them all pink and they're eating everything in sight.


Thank you! I had to lower momma's feeder..they were getting under it and attacking her while she ate..I've got two food bowls and her big feeder in there, and they're still always trying to attack me to get food every
gosh 9 is a pretty big litter. or at least I think it is!

wow lots of girls, do many of them have homes lined up?

you love to see a couple more pictures hehe
lol, she had 11, but lost one, and I moved one to another litter to make it a little easier on her...

I'm gonna start looking for homes here in a few weeks, I like to get to know people before I send my rabbits with them. I've got the cage space though that if I do have to hold on to them for a while it's fine.
I'm not asking because I want one myself, I am far too far away! But just wondering I guess cos there's so many! but they've still got a few weeks left with mum anyway. good you've got the space though so there's not a big hurry.

All the best with finding them fantastic new homes :)
haha nah that's fine, I didn't think you were for sure, but I wasn't sure what your interpretation was... just making it clear! no worries.
Here are some more photos I took earlier..I feel like every time I turn around everyone has grown a ton.

This is Adrienne..I decided to keep her, just because I think she's cute.


This is a buck out of the same litter as Adrienne..I plan to sell him at some point in time, until then, he sure is cute!


This is my other litter of NZ..same age as the ones that started this thread.


This is Missy and her babies..she came to me when they were only 9 days old, now they're hopping in and out of nesting..growing right up! There are some cuties in this litter.


This is a little girl that I'm calling Sugar..for now. If Samantha has the room for her, I think she's going to take her and try to bond her with her bunnies, if not, I'll be keeping her as a pet.


&Finally, this is Carli, she's a cutie..and sweet as can be.


Sorry this post is so picture heavy, I just love sharing the cuteness.

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