my 2.5 months old bun is a mess.

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Jun 23, 2006
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she suddenly is quite the handful, she jumped in the mop bucket, tried to eat the mop, jumped in the trash can and was eating trash, picked on stormy(the other bun)a bit, and when i put her in her crate she tried to squeeze through the bars and got stuck....i can feel the grey hair sprouting with all the worry she is giving me.
In 4-6 months she can be fixed (vet's decision on time) which may help.

I have a large wire folding pen (actually two put together) to corral my bun. This keeps them out of mischief.

I would be concerned about the crate, that can cause a fatality. You might want to consider a cage that presents no dangers of her getting caught.
yes i know, i actually removed her immediately and she is staying the the spare bathroom while we go away or sleep. she didn't look like she would even come close to fitting, but i guess she thought otherwise.
Have no fear.....

Welcome to terrible twos for bunnies. Also known as peuberty!

I have scars on my hand from my bun's time. She would do crazy things like jump on my lap while i was "using the bathroom" to random biting and groweling attacks. You gotta get her spayed. It will fix everything, and really calm her down.
They are truly horrible at that age..she'll get ovet it when she gets older and is spayed. Just remeber that its temporary..sort of like attention deficit disorder in an animal:D
oh, i know, and the sad thing is she is so friggin cute i usually laugh at her crazy antics. the cage thing scared me, but the rest of her silliness even though it is "bad" just cracks me up. on the other hand she is the cuddliest thing ever, way cuddlier then my other bunny, but she is way wilder also. but i wouldn't trade her
Yes, actually I would enjoy this time because it won't come back. My rabbit was the same way until I got him neutered. It was like night and day the change in him. I sometimes miss his old antics.

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