Multiple Cages for Bunny?

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2bunmom wrote:
Thisis for Bunty. I miss her too! Carolyn do you knowwhen she is coming back? Hurry backBunty!:D Beckie

I'm sorry, Beckie, I don't know when she'll be back, but I canguarantee she misses us as much as we miss her, if not more.I've sent her a note, but I'm sure she's not hooked up yet.As soon as she is, I know this will be one of her firststops.

Chin up. She'll be back. :)

MyBunnyBoys wrote:
I have an idea. How about you sleep in a cage or onthe floor and let His Royal Highness have the bed?
heres the rules my bunny follows in my house:

1. The bunny is not allowed in the house.

2. OK,the bunny is allowed in the house, but only in certain rooms.

3. Thebunny is allowed in all rooms, but has to stay off the furniture.

4. The bunny can get on the old furniture only.

5.Fine, the bunny is allowed on all the furniture, but is not allowed tosleep with humans, on the bed.

6. OK,the bunny is allowed on the bed, but only by invitation.

7. Thebunny can sleep on the bed when-ever he wants, but not under thecovers.

8. Thebunny can sleep under the covers by invitation only.

9. The bunny can sleep under the covers every night.

10. Humans must ask permission to sleep under the covers with the bunny.

btw- how do u make the bytes of a file/pic smaller?
SpoiledBuni wrote:
MyBunnyBoyswrote:heres the rules my bunny follows in myhouse:

1. The bunny is not allowed in the house.

2. OK,the bunny is allowed in the house, but only in certain rooms.

3. Thebunny is allowed in all rooms, but has to stay off the furniture.

4. The bunny can get on the old furniture only.

5.Fine, the bunny is allowed on all the furniture, but is not allowed tosleep with humans, on the bed.

6. OK,the bunny is allowed on the bed, but only by invitation.

7. Thebunny can sleep on the bed when-ever he wants, but not under thecovers.

8. Thebunny can sleep under the covers by invitation only.

9. The bunny can sleep under the covers every night.

10. Humans must ask permission to sleep under the covers with the bunny.

LOL That is way too funny :D:D:D.

Yes, SpoiledBuni, I posted that a couple of months ago. It's hilarious.

I even have a copy of it taped up to my bedroom door. lol!
Glad to see that you are following your own rulesBunnyMommy. ;)King Sherman can read and is simply remindingyou of those simple rules. You should be greatful that he iskindly reminding you. ;):p
OMGto suggestthat BM sleep downstairs in acage,andHRM (his royal majesty)finally gets the respecthe deserves and his ownbigbed....had me inhysterics!!

you guys are great

Cher (dont feel bad BM, everyone is really lookingour forYOUR best interest-cause we all know if HE isnt happy thenyournot going to be happy, RIGHT?)


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