Mr. Bo B Bunny, May I have your attention please?

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Bo looks just like my Princess! :) who is also acastor mini rex :) she too was a lot lighter when we gother..she's very dark now with her bum end almost black! wondering whatshe'll look like when summer hits again :)
nepo, that is one adorable baby! I love the colors! details please? how old, name, all the good stuff! :)

Princess is a mini-rex too?!?! I love this! I haven't met toomany people with rex or mini-rex yet! ahemmm, Pictures? :)

lanna and everyone else, thank you very much for the warm welcomes.... :cool:
Name Nepo, Age 8 or 9 months(not sure), Weight estimation 2 or 3 lbs, I got him from my dad's workfriend when he was really little. My mom picked out that name because Ididn't pick a name:?(she didn't give me time!) I might've named himbugs bunny because of thecolorings.:DAfter lookingat the arba website I'm not really sure if he is a minirex.
is he a mini-rex? I am horrible withbreeds! Some of the bunnies are so close except for coloringthat I get them mixed up!

He's precious! Nepo is cute :) and there are so many bugs bunnies, I think it's a great name for him :)
He looks like one except his dimpled forehead.... I wonder if that's not a trait of another type of bunny?
Well, hello Bo! Mymost sincere apologies for assuming that you were male! It seems therehas been enough trans gender confusion and issues that might lead toinsecurities in sexuality amongst participants of the forum *clearsthroat trying to make it quite clear to whom she's referring to*Anyhow, love the photos of your bun, beautiful boy is he! Glad to haveyou aboard!

LOL! Whatever could you be speaking of? :p

Thank you raspberry! I hope I am not too much of a talker for all of you! Just slap me if I start rambling! :shock:
Will neverhappen....I've already claimed the title of Queen of Rambling and theystill let me hang out here! You'll be safe!
Aww nepo's so gorgeous too! It's those lovely big eyes!

Henry's the same with his bum nearly black, I don't know how he's gonefrom being pure ginger to the colour he is now, but since Bo's gone thesame colour, I assume it must be normal. I have a suspicionthat Henry may be mixed castor/lynx because of his colouring.

I love the picture of him on his back! That's great! :D
Our vet said that many times they change color asthey mature. Look at his fur, under the top color, what coloris the hair closer to his skin? If it's light he's more lynx, if it'sdark he's more castor (I think that's how you tell the two lol) I havea link that shows some hair shaft patterns......

YES! bunnies get hiccups! Bo used to get them more often when he wastiny. His whole body jumped with each hiccup! LOL!

Bunny binkies are difficult to get a pic of! I have a delayon my digital camera too so it's harder! I have to anticipate where hemight go and when! LOL!

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