moving rabbit to sunroom ???'s

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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2004
Reaction score
Janesville, Wisconsin, USA
Hello, we have decided (for several reasons) tomove our bunny to the sunroom. She has been in the livingroomwith us since she has lived here, but now she is moving to the sunroom.It gets a little cooler in the sunroom, on our coldest WI days it candip to maybe 55-57 degress in the sunroom, but almost always it will beabout 60-65 degrees in the winter. Right now in her cage shedoes not have a little snuggle box or bed or anything, cuz she justeats them! but I am wondering if she will need one for those coolerdays in the winter? The only thing she hides in is a big tube(shaped like a paper towel tube) but that will not keep herwarm. So what I am wondering is will she be warm enough inthose temps? Should I cover her cage at night with ablanket? any help would be apprecitated!! Tracy
Hi Blossombunny,

If you provide her with some extra hay and give her a few black oilsunflower seeds every now and then, that should be plenty to keep herwarm. Just be careful of her being in the sun - and watchthose warmer days because rabbits and heat/sun don't mix.

You might double check the posts above about warming your rabbit in thewinter and cooling your rabbit in the summer - just to make sure you'vegot all bases covered.

thanks carolyn, I did see the warming and coolingyour rabbit posts, but I did not know if I needed to go that far beingas she was not actually going outside! As far as being towarm in the summer not a problem, we run the airconditioner24/7 between the months of may-sept, because our son has such badallergies the windows can never be open!!! Our sunroom does have heatand airconditioning, but still with all the windows, it can get aroun57 degress in there if we have several days of below zero weather. Tracy
I read somewhere that "ideal" temperatures forbunnies was in the 50-60 degree range. It seems your sunroomwill be most comfortable for the bun and you probably will have to dolittle or nothing to increase her comfort there.

When I am home from college, my rabbit stays inthe sunroom. And you are right about the temperature changes. When itgot really cold I brought her into one of the other rooms. She seemedto like to snuggle down in wood chips with strips of newspapers allover her. (Of course she did that in the summer as well.) Of all theexpensive toys, her favorite was torn up newspapers. ;)On thehot days even with central air/heat, I would freeze water in everydayplastic water bottles. She loved to lay on top of them. I only had twoproblems with her being in the sunroom. One was that she was used tobeing in the center of things, and didn't like being left out. Andsecond I learned quickly that she was terrified of thunderstorms. Theywere never an issue when she was in my room at college, but in a roomwith floor to ceiling windows and 2 skylights, she had to be taken outand held for each one. The bonding time was great, even though it mayhave been in the middle of the night.

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