move or not to move? That is the question

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Jan 21, 2013
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My little guy is now 3 mos. I let him out of into his x-pen which has been fine until the last couple days. He is beginning to dig the carpet and eat the carpet. I'm thinking about moving him to be basement which is finished, but the carpet has been pulled up due to a pipe busting and ruining my carpet. I do plan to replace the carpet, but it will probably be a year before I do so. I'm thinking about moving him downstairs. Without the carpet, it is a bit cooler down there. If I had to guess the temp is about 65 to 70 degrees. We do spend a lot of time down there, but typically not until evening time. I can change my routine and do my reading time in the basement instead of the living room to give him company. Just to give you an idea of his temperment - he isn't totally used to us, but I can tell he is getting more comfortable and a lot less jumpy with our daily moving and shaking. When we get in the pen with him, he does sniff us and allow us to touch and groom him, but he still isn't with picking him up. I don't know if that has any bearing on moving him or not, but what do you think?
I think he's beginning to get hormones. I'd move him, at least until he's neutered. 65-70` is ideal for a rabbit. If it's a big change from the upstairs temp, I'd want to make the change gradual. And make sure you do you spend as much time with him there are you do now.
Putting him downstairs alone until evening probably wont help him get socialized. May I recommend getting a piece or plywood the size of the Xpen and Sticky linoleum tiles, or even some indoor/outdoor carpet. it's what I do to help with the peeing, digging and chewing of all 3 of my buns. And if he's not neutered you should also consider that as well.
I placed the tarp out, however since I have the x-pen open it doesn't fit so well. I placed 2 old receiving blankets around it to cover the the rest of the floor and it's working pretty well. I do think I will get a some indoor/outdoor carpet to go under it to make it easier. Thanks for the advice!

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