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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
, Massachusetts, USA
My rabbit is almost four years old. He is not neutered, and I have never had a problem with spraying or any sort of aggression. However, now that he is moving into my room and I have been able to spend more time with him, I have found that he is obsessed with mounting people. He honks and circles me and whoever else is in the room, and then will not stop mounting anyone. It gets annoying, and I gently pin him by petting his ears and he lays down. Then he will get back up and continue mounting. Anyway, I was wondering if neutering him would stop or at least decrease this behavior. I know he is older, but I have read that it can be done. Any advice?
Someone else on the forum had their fellow neutered at about that age. I would think the behavior would decrease, but not as much as if he were younger. Maybe first you can try a couple of things like saying no & putting his head down to the floor for half a minute or so. Or giving him a stuffed toy to mount instead. I'd try the 1st before this one. Does he do it when people are seated or just when standing up? If only when standing, sit down asap.
We had a similar problem with our cookie when we first rescued him (he was estimated to be around 18 months at the time) he wasn't as bad as your bun, from ur description... But I did get annoying because it was only me he did it to, not my husband lol and we got him a stuffed bun that was about the same size as him and he completely focused his hormonal frustrations on her! And if he tried with me, I would go and get her and giver her to him and he was easily redirected! We have since had him neutered, almost a month ago... And he has stopped completely! Infact he doesn't hump her (the stuffed bun) anymore either... He will mount her sometimes but just to groom her lol and he hasn't done any hormonal behavior with me in abt 10 days now :)
He does it while I am sitting and standing. Pinning him helps for a little bit, but it seems like whenever he is hopping around he is looking for a human leg or arm. He does not seem to be interested in any other objects, but I could certainly try a stuffed animal. I believe there are several rabbit savvy vets in my area, though.
BunMommaD wrote:
We had a similar problem with our cookie when we first rescued him (he was estimated to be around 18 months at the time) he wasn't as bad as your bun, from ur description... But I did get annoying because it was only me he did it to, not my husband lol and we got him a stuffed bun that was about the same size as him and he completely focused his hormonal frustrations on her! And if he tried with me, I would go and get her and giver her to him and he was easily redirected! We have since had him neutered, almost a month ago... And he has stopped completely! Infact he doesn't hump her (the stuffed bun) anymore either... He will mount her sometimes but just to groom her lol and he hasn't done any hormonal behavior with me in abt 10 days now :)

How old was Cookie when he was fixed? I love my bun, and he has a great personality, but his obsession is very annoying, as I said. I will have to try the stuffed bun though!
We got cookie in January and he was estimated at around 18 months and he was fixed abt 3.5 weeks ago... So he was around 21 months... Again he was a rescue tho and so it's all an estimate, he could be young or older... He never seemed interested in any other objects either, but he got his stuffed wifey! Wow he went nuts he was so excited lol before his neuter he would mount and hump her for hours! Now he will still movenher to lay with him and groom her, but he is much nicer to her now lol
I would talk to a Rabbit Savvy Vet. Though he is older, I think having that "drive" taken away might help stop the mounting. Now that he's being stimulated by other things (you), and not so much by himself in his hutch, he's finding that drive active again.

I think once he's neutered, that "act" can be changed because that drive won't be there. You can change the "act" to a stuff animal or eventually pets. It will take a bit more time because he is older.

Just my 2 cents. Wishing you luck. Let us know what you decide.

Thank you for all of th advice. I will have to call around and ask some vets, but I am leaning towards the surgery because he doesn't have any health problems I feel that it would make th two of us happier.
I gave him a stuffed bunny today. He sure "enjoyed" it. He didn't stop circling me and honking though. I have been looking at vets and most cost over $300. It's pricey but I am looking for a way to make it work. Do any of you know of a rabbit vet that costs a little less in MA or NH?
Poor guy, in the grip of his hormones. You might ask at the shelters/rescue groups in your area for suggestions on reasonably-priced neutering.
Poor guy, in the grip of his hormones. You might ask at the shelters/rescue groups in your area for suggestions on reasonably-priced neutering.
I found a vet about and hour away that charges $230 with a free check up. It was on the list here with reviews. When we called th man said that he would stay overnight after the surgery. He also said pain meds were included. Does this sound good? I would like to get the surgery done soon because the poor bunny seems obsessed like I said. I also set up his space in my room but I think he will be happier up there when his drive is taken away. What do you think?
As a side note, can an unfixed rabbit still be calmed down enough to hold, ect? I can get him to lay down but I am finding it hard to trim his back nails. He doesn't mind me doing the front but I don't think he likes when I hold his big feet.
Ender wrote:
I found a vet about and hour away that charges $230 with a free check up. It was on the list here with reviews. When we called th man said that he would stay overnight after the surgery. He also said pain meds were included. Does this sound good? I would like to get the surgery done soon because the poor bunny seems obsessed like I said. I also set up his space in my room but I think he will be happier up there when his drive is taken away. What do you think?
As a side note, can an unfixed rabbit still be calmed down enough to hold, ect? I can get him to lay down but I am finding it hard to trim his back nails. He doesn't mind me doing the front but I don't think he likes when I hold his big feet.
Sounds good. Overnight stay is for them to observe to make sure your bunny is eating, drinking, pooping and peeing after surgery.

I think your bunny will be very happy once the drive is gone. It will take about a month for the hormones to leave his body. Males hold on to sperm for a good month even after the removal of the testes.

And yes you can calm an intacted male. Just takes a bit more time and patience. Willard is intacted and I can clip his nails, brush him, and pick him up with no problems. This didn't happen overnight. Took several months, but he's a GEM. Won't be fixed because he's very mellow and doesn't spray or mark.

ZRabbits wrote:
Ender wrote:
I found a vet about and hour away that charges $230 with a free check up. It was on the list here with reviews. When we called th man said that he would stay overnight after the surgery. He also said pain meds were included. Does this sound good? I would like to get the surgery done soon because the poor bunny seems obsessed like I said. I also set up his space in my room but I think he will be happier up there when his drive is taken away. What do you think?
As a side note, can an unfixed rabbit still be calmed down enough to hold, ect? I can get him to lay down but I am finding it hard to trim his back nails. He doesn't mind me doing the front but I don't think he likes when I hold his big feet.
Sounds good.   Overnight stay is for them to observe to make sure your bunny is eating, drinking, pooping and peeing after surgery. 

I think your bunny will be very happy once the drive is gone.  It will take about a month for the hormones to leave his body.  Males hold on to sperm for a good month even after the removal of the testes. 

And yes you can calm an intacted male.  Just takes a bit more time and patience.  Willard is intacted and I can clip his nails, brush him, and pick him up with no problems.  This didn't happen overnight.  Took several months, but he's a GEM.  Won't be fixed because he's very mellow and doesn't spray or mark. 


Thanks for all of the help! I want to live with a happy bunny. Hopefully we will be able to make an appointment soon.

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