Monty, my [big] baby bunny 2012

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Thanks for checking out my blog Jj :) That's probably not actually Monty in the pic. There were a total of 4 in the litter (3 girls, 1 boy) so it's likely one of her sisters. The boy had very funny ears that didn't stand upright (and by very funny, I mean I was drawn to him for that reason and originally wanted him, but no luck there). I need to get some pics uploaded of her in her new harness :D She's getting pretty tolerant of it!
^ Thanks, guys!

Not a whole lot going on as of late. My roommate moved out so now I'm busy moving things around to try to organize my many many sewing supplies and projects before my boyfriend moves in. Little Miss Monster has a new hobby of spilling her food in her litter and then digging in it :grumpy: Right after it was all fresh and clean, too...and it's the last of what I have on hand. It's like having a toddler :lol:

Grooming while sitting in my cat's old feeder (which I refuse to put away...I miss her :( )

Does this bowl make my butt look big?

This was when I discovered she finds the smell of Berry Berry Kix irresistible. I had to put part of a willow ball in my lap to distract her, otherwise she was trying to climb into my cereal bowl no matter how high I held it.

I love that you call her your nomster. That's what I call Qtip!
Monty is so cute. Qtip is pestering me to get her a giant brother...I keep trying to tell her we don't have the space...she told me we can evict the kitten to make space for a Flemmie....after seeing Monty....I see what she's talking about!
The days are starting to cool, and Monty is forever growing. I think she's going through her first molt, or changing colors, or something. Her fur comes out with the greatest of ease (there's still fur under it, so she's not going bald) and what's left is darker. Is my baby just growing up, or is it seasonal?

In any case, she's just as cute, and entertaining me every day :)

Here's the nomster demolishing her biggest salad yet:

And then some random nosing around in the kitchen:

In the second video, you can seewhere her back is a little darker, and a line on her legs where the loose fuzz hasn't come out yet.

No bunny blog entry is complete without silly pics, so here's a couple new ones:


"Did you say SNACK?" (If I intend to share something with her from the fridge, I say "Monty, do you want a snack?" and she's starting to respond to the prompt by following me. If I don't say it, she just curiously watches from a distance.)

"No, it's cool; you can do the dishes while I lay in MY SPOT" --I feel like I have one bunny slipper across both feet :p
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She is soo cute! I thought I wanted a Flemmie before, but now I KNOW I want one!
My bun lays across my feet when I'm washing dishes too. Or she circles my legs while I'm washing dishes.
I love her tunnel! She's too cute in the tunnel.
You have a very lovely bun!
This bunny is such a goof. I rearranged the kitchen a bit so that her crate wouldn't be blocking off cabinets anymore, and I had to put my recycling somewhere different to accomodate that. Part of it, a bunch of flattened boxes, had to be stood up against the wall in one of "her" spots, and she didn't approve. :p


Later: "See? I told you I'd have my spot no matter what!"

I set her new friend alongside her while she nommed on pellets. Slight size difference, haha

"What is this, and why haven't you snipped the tags off?"

Her first time having dandelion greens. She starting eating them while I was taking them out of the bag!

Another object in one of her "spots". She was trying to fit herself behind it to shove it forward, but it's heavy so she had to give up. Here, her front feet are still behind it. I think she looks uncomfy, but she doesn't seem to mind.

Omg, my baby is getting huge. I think she's officially as big as an adult cat now, though not weight-wise.

Okay, okay, one more. Little Miss Longbuns:

Goodness she is a character and I love seeing pics of her. Her ears are fabulous!!!
She seems to have such a happy life. What a spoiled little bun. Or I guess I should say big bun! :)
I don't let her out as much as I should, but she gets a lot of visits throughout the day. Every night I open the side door of her crate and pet her, and she lays there all sleepy and tooth-purr-y. Then I say good night, I'll see you in the morning, and turn the light off. She seems to like the routine.

Not from nighttime, but a pic of her in sleepy-bunny mode:

I love her bzillion whiskers and pretty eyelashes :)
Monty seems like an absolute sweetheart. The picture of her laying next to her stuffed bunny friend is great, they look almost like twins. She must be getting pretty big now. My biggest rabbit is maybe 12 lbs. and he seems huge to me :)
New pics! My baby just hit 5 months on the 12th :) Big baby is big, too. I wish I had a scale.

I bought a piece of fleece at work that I thought would be appropriate for my beast to try out as a blanket. She doesn't really "get" it, mostly just shoves it out of the way and lays on her bare cage floor, but at least she doesn't chew on it. She used to have a scrap of terrycloth and never chewed on that either, just dug at it and then collapsed next to it. Here's a pic I snagged of her kinda laying on it, chilling while I was cooking. She doesn't seem to like the sounds of sauteing, so she hops around for a while and then lays in her crate.


Bunny buns! She hauled the box in the foreground out of her way so that she could lay RIGHT HERE:


And to keep those buns in shape, I make her work for her greens, hehe ;)


After greens, I usually get granted some lap snuggles. She puts her front paws on my crossed legs and relaxes there for as long as I rub her head. I get tooth purrs too! <3


Oh, and looking back, I don't think I remembered to share the first two installments of a new chapter in Monty's life, entitled "Your Butt is Too Big For That"

She decided to hop into this box, but left her whole butt hanging out, haha


Then I noticed that she doesn't fit in front of her litter box where she always liked to lay. Look at those big buns!


Lol, I don't think Monty realizes that she's not a baby anymore and doesn't fit in her old spots.

Cool hay rack. Where did you get it?
I like your blog. Your Monty and my Conan are born only 6 days apart and we got them roughly the same time so its interesting comparing the two. Monty seems a lot more interactive with you then my Conan is with me. Wonder if its a boy thing lol. I love my guy, and he seems very happy binkying around, enjoying his goodies and toys and he does occasionally interact with me. Mostly he allows me to pet him inside his cage while outside it all I'm good for is a treat or an obstacle for his bunny runs. :)

Curious, I've read and been told that I got to handle him more, meaning pick him up and such daily so he gets used to it. I try, but its a struggle and he doesn't like it, not violently so but I just can't do it and I think it affects his relationship with me in a negative fashion when I try. For instance today I didn't at all and he approached me more often. Do you have such a problem?