Mom hates my rabbit--what to do?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2013
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So my mother hates my rabbit. She thinks he's cute and all, but I made the mistake of giving him free run of the living room before he was neutered last year, and he chewed through two cell phone chargers and a TV cord (all unplugged). I promptly replaced all of them, but she still brings it up.

We have a very tiny house (882 square feet) and there's not a lot of room for Sugar to run. I'm not allowed to rabbit-proof the living room, so his free time occurs behind a baby gate in the kitchen. He lives in a 4'x4' x-pen in the laundry room. As a result, he's not socialized as often as he should be, and I'm force to carry him from the laundry room up a short flight of stairs to the kitchen. While he's friendly, he's not "cuddly" and HATES being picked up. I feel like every time I do it, I'm eroding what little trust he has.

The irony is, it was my mother's idea to get him! As I mentioned in my introduction, he was a prop for a play we both worked on, and I decided to keep him when the play was over. She was originally VERY enthusiastic about the idea of me caring for him. Neither one of us knew thing one about rabbits, and we both thought they were these timid animals that sat in a cage all the time. I researched and learned otherwise; Mom still thinks I make too much of a fuss over him. I've tried to explain that they're not like the hamsters I've had over the years; they're as socially complex and intelligent as a dog or cat. She doesn't get it.

I'm 31 years old and still live at home for financial reasons. My boyfriend is in the Army (11 days from graduating basic--woo-hoo!), and we've discussed moving in together or even him helping me pay on an apartment while he's deployed or on base, because he knows my mom's crazy. Once I do that, Sugar will have supervised free run of my home. In the meantime, however, my mother keeps complaining about him, saying he takes up too much room in her house (where I pay rent) and periodically threatens to get rid of him. (Ironically, the play he was obtained for involved a crazy mother who kept threatening to get rid of her daughter's rabbit--and ended with her killing him.) Yesterday she even claimed that because it was her idea to get him, she had the right to get rid of him. Um, her total investment in Sugar was a used $10 guinea pig cage (which he lived in for a week before I got him a much bigger cage) and gas to drive to pick him up (Sugar himself was technically free). I've paid for everything else, including his $300 neutering, $140 x-pen, and who knows how much on food, bedding, toys, treats etc. etc. etc. I've invested WAY more time, money, and care on Sugar, and by any definition he's mine.

The only bright side is that she realized that rabbit droppings make terrific fertilizer, and she plans to use it in her garden. :p So that's one reason she would keep him around.

Any ideas on how to make my mother come around to the idea of Sugar as a family member? She has a dog and two cats, so she's definitely an animal lover, and was very permissive about pets throughout my childhood. I can't understand why she would harbor such animosity toward a relatively harmless, inoffensive pet.
I'm so sorry you're stuck in such a frustrating situation :(

unfortunately, I'm really not sure what to tell you about your mom, since I couldn't even begin to guess at the true root of the problem without knowing a whole lot more about your family dynamic than you're probably inclined to share with strangers over the internet, heh - if she's normally an animal lover, it's quite possible that her problem isn't actually with the rabbit, but something he represents or even that he's a readily available vehicle through which she can exert control... or it could be neither of those and something else entirely. regardless, I'm guessing there's a decent chance that the problem has more to do with the incredibly complex relationship that inevitably exists between a parent and their adult child than it does with the rabbit.

when it comes to having to carry him to his exercise area, I highly recommend ushering him into a carrier (like you'd use to take him to the vet) and using that to transport him upstairs - that's what I do when I take my rabbits outside.

if you feel like a big part of the issue is that she sees bunnies as being more like "boring cage animals" such as hamsters (no offense to hamsters, but mine are pretty darn boring) than they are like cats and dogs, then maybe it would help to teach him some tricks so that you can show her just how smart bunnies are - they may lack a dog's innate desire to please their human, but if you convince them it's their idea to do something clever, they're all over it! :p

here are some good sites on training a bunny: (links to sites on clicker-training)

another thing you could teach him is to run an agility course (which is quite easy as long as you've got either two x-pens or one x-pen and a wall - the key is to have "sides" around the course that are tight enough to eliminate the option of going around obstacles). they're easy to make... you can make an extensive course for about $75, but if you don't want to spend that much, you can just do a partial course or macguyver a course together using random things you find around the house :p. here's the tutorial I wrote up when I built my agility course -

my girls' tunnels are a ware fun tunnel and a crinkle cat tunnel (walmart has a cheaper crinkle tunnel iirc, but it's only 3' instead of 5'). I use the ware fun tunnel for agility because it doesn't have holes where they could exit out the side like the crinkle tunnel. a cheaper alternative than either of those (depending on your bunny's size, anyway) is to buy something called a "concrete form" from a hardware store - it's basically a thick cardboard tube. home depot sells them for $6.65 for an 8'' diameter tunnel or $10.88 for a 12'' diameter tunnel (both are four feet long).

you might also buy him a cheap plastic slinky if you don't have one for him already - bunny + slinky = endless interactive entertainment. with most bunnies, it's right up there with "cat + laser pointer", hehe.
Yeah, a huge part of the problem is that my mother likely has undiagnosed Narcissistic Personality Disorder. :( She's constantly complaining about how much she does and suffers for everyone and never gets any credit, and she's so much smarter and capable than everyone else she knows, and no one truly appreciates her etc. etc. Sugar is definitely something she can use to control me--I love him, and threatening to get rid of him is a way to keep me in line. She also periodically threatens to kick me out of the house (despite the fact that I consistently pay my rent on time) unless I do what she wants. I can't afford to live on my own, so it's another method of control.

I'd love to be able to clicker-train him, but right now he doesn't trust me enough. He loves me, he responds to me, but since I'm constantly picking him up when he doesn't want to be, he doesn't trust me and I don't blame him. That's another strike against him--that he's not "friendly" like the dog and cats. He's quite extroverted for a rabbit, but he's not demonstratively affectionate. I've had sporadic moments of trust--one time he fell asleep in my arms, which was amazing--but not as much as I'd need for training. And building an obstacle course is right out...he's barely allowed out at all, let alone setting up an elaborate maze.

At this point my only solution is to move I said, my boyfriend's willing to help me find a place, and we may even just get married (as we've already discussed) and live on base wherever he's stationed within the next couple of years. Then Sugar can finally be a proper house rabbit, instead of an isolated-back-room-laundry rabbit. At least he's indoors and has a huge pen? *sigh* And he has a cardboard box, blankets, plenty of toys...I try to provide some level of stimulation.

I've read about plastic Slinkies, but I've had the hardest time finding seems like toy stores and Meijer only sell metal ones.
ouch, that would do it ><

unfortunately, it sounds like I guessed right that the bunny is more of a tool in her "control" arsenal than the actual problem :(

it looks like Amazon's got a 4.5'' slinky for $3.64 after shipping - ... I've never tried one that size, so I dunno how it would work - I've only used 3'' slinkies.

I sell the 3'' ones on Nala and Gaz's page of my website... unfortunately, a slinky wouldn't fit in a large envelope, so it'd have to go in a box, which adds a couple ounces to the weight... looks like a slinky by itself would work out to just under $4 including shipping (slinky + box = about 6 oz, so it's way under the 13 oz cut-off for cheap first class mail). if you decide to order from me, PayPal's gonna overcharge a bit for the shipping - I can only set so many weight brackets, so I just let it overcharge at times and then refund the difference whenever the actual shipping cost comes out lower :p
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Okay, I've been buying pet store hay at $10/bag since I got Sugar, and your website convinced me that I need to find a feed store that sells hay. :p My boyfriend's mom keeps horses; I'll ask her where she buys her (although obviously I wouldn't need NEARLY the quantity for one little bunny that she buys for five horses!).

He LOVES phone books, and I snatch them up whenever I can find them. They're horribly messy, but it's worth the clean-up.

I'd love to order, but I don't have a credit card (severe ADD and impulse control issues...I deliberately avoided getting one to keep from risking debt).

By the way, if you're in San Antonio, I may be visiting there some time in's where my boyfriend has his Advanced Individual Training as a combat medic, and we're attending a comic book convention there. :)
If you have a dollar store near you, they sometimes have the plastic slinkies.

Your rabbit doesn't necessarily need to trust you completely, to be able to train him to do tricks. Katielovesleo3 has a rabbit that is a bit nervous around people, and she was able to train him to do several tricks. Here's her blog, but I'm not sure exactly where in it she is doing the training.

And it may be that your rabbit already trusts you and you just don't realize it. If he's not nervous around you, flops down, comes up to you, then he probably trusts you. All rabbits are different. Some are affectionate, some aren't, some like cuddles, some don't. Most don't like to be picked up, some absolutely hate it, some don't mind, and most can learn to tolerate it. Personality traits vary with each rabbit, but just cause a rabbit isn't affectionate or doesn't like to cuddle, doesn't mean that it doesn't feel comfortable or safe around you.
Okay, I've been buying pet store hay at $10/bag since I got Sugar, and your website convinced me that I need to find a feed store that sells hay. :p My boyfriend's mom keeps horses; I'll ask her where she buys her (although obviously I wouldn't need NEARLY the quantity for one little bunny that she buys for five horses!).

hehe... now that I know the math on it, I can't believe I ever thought it wasn't a big deal to be lazy and just buy the pet store stuff! it's crazy how overpriced the pet store stuff is.

He LOVES phone books, and I snatch them up whenever I can find them. They're horribly messy, but it's worth the clean-up.
god, I HATE the clean-up!! they love those things so much though :(. I figure if I learned to stomach the stench of cilantro to make the darn bunnies happy, I can deal with cleaning up phone book remains.

I'd love to order, but I don't have a credit card (severe ADD and impulse control issues...I deliberately avoided getting one to keep from risking debt).

as Jbun said, you might be able to find one at a dollar store... if you just can't find one and want one badly enough to fuss with ordering it from me, though, we could work something out where you paid with a money order or a check or something. odds are, though, that you can scrounge one up locally. if nothing else, I bet toys r us would have them. probably overpriced and you'd have to endure the terrifying ordeal of setting foot in a toys r us store, lol, but I can't imagine them not having a plastic slinky.

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