Molting HEAPS.

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Jul 10, 2006
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It's not even the end of winter here and he's already molting heaps. Hair is just falling off of him. I have given him pineapple juice as tonight all he didn't want to play and he always does. He came inside and usually he's excited and runs around but tonight he lay down straight away. :?
is he just shedding or do you think its something worse? Your post was a bit he eating anything? drinking? pooping?

please be a little more specific...if hes not acting right and not eating you should get him to a vet asap. My buns are shedding right now, but if its really bad, then somethings not right...

Marshmallow wrote:
He came inside and usually he's excited and runs around but tonight he lay down straight away. :?
Even rabbits have off days. If he was only like that for one day, I'd say it was one of those lazy days, that's all.

As for shedding, it's a sign of warm weather approaching most likely. And many members have reported rabbits shedding more than usual this year. Two of mine have bald patches from shedding so much but they grew back in and one of them has handfuls of hair coming off him daily. If your rabbit has bald patches, you need to make sure it's not mites or something that's causing the baldness.
My house was covered in sunny bunny fur for about 2 months. It was everywhere, no matter how much I vacuumed and swept.

She didn't develop any bald patches, rather her new fur just pushed out the old stuff, so she had big tufts that I could easily pull out.

She's got maybe 3 tufts left , right near her tail...And she's done! Finally!
My house is also covered in Rex fur. Mini is not shedding as bad as Rex...they eat the same and everything....I guess every bunny is different. I told Rex today he shed enough fur to make a dwarf bunny!!

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