Mixed breed bunnies. Any guesses?

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Nov 19, 2013
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I'm fairly certain both these boys are mixes, and while Tiger is probably mostly Netherland Dwarf he doesn't look exactly like one, and Padfoot is supposed to be a Holland Lop but one of his ears sticks up (this is possibly just because it was injured, though it was my understanding that the joint is different for lop ears vs. upright ears and he's got one clear lop and one that is always in the same upright position). If anyone wants to take a stab it would be appreciated. Here they are!

Also, I'd love to know the color pattern on Tiger. I've never seen it before and I'd love to know how to describe it to people.


I would suspect they are both Holland Lops or Holland mixes. Padfoot's lopped ears and color give it away. His color is called tort, and it is VERY common in the Holland breed. There is cartilage between the ears on Holland Lops called the crown. The development of this area is what determines ear carriage. It's a difficult trait to perfect and can easily get "wonky" is the breeder isn't intentionally selecting for the ideal placement, width and height. So one ear up and one ear down isn't necessarily uncommon.

Tiger's color is harlequin. This color is less common in Holland Lops, but some people do have it. It's a little more common among those breeding for pets since it's so unique looking. Did you get your bunnies from the same place? They look very similar, which is why I suspect that both are probably of similar lineage - though I could be wrong! The width and shape of Tiger's ears seem too wide for an up-eared dwarf/small breed rabbit, which is why I suspect lop lineage (they are to have wide ears). If that's the case, obviously his crown didn't develop to promote correct ear carriage.

Anyway, those are just wild guesses based on nothing other than photos and life experience. :p Take it for what it's worth! lol
padfoot is most likely a holland lop. Oakridge's comments about ear carriage are spot on. :) Holland lops SHOULD carry their ears down, but they can run the gambit of up to airplane to one up, one down, to both down.

Tigger is a bit harder to figure. If they are brothers then quite potentially just a bad example of one. He looks like a black japanese or possibly a chocolate japanese. That's one of the variations of harlequin (come in magpie(white) or japanese (red)). I'd mostly be guessing that he's a mix of some sort...probably holland lop cross.

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