Millie's fantastic new outdoor setup

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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Durham, England, , United Kingdom
Hiya guys:)

Well, Millie has gone through yet another upgrade in her housing, but I honestly think I won't ever change again now. After 8 years of having outdoor bunnies and having gone through several hutches myself I'm amazed by the quality of this one. It was built for us by Sampson and Daisy's owner and is amazing. Both me and Millie love it!

It's 8ft x 5ft, fully predator proof and as you can see from the perspex roof over the run it is pretty weather proof too. I'm so happy with it and so so greatful to our friends for making it for us.

Anyway, onto the pictures.:) (sorry they're dark - it gets dark so early now!)

The actual thing just after it was put together


The hutch


From the side




more downstairs and ramp




Upstairs toilet area (with a nice pile or hay to munch on:D)


Bed area, all snuggy with plenty of straw


more hutch


Millie peeking out into the night;)


The run area



Her shelf (she loves to sit on things and look out. She's nosey;)) and her dog bed. I thought I'd put it under the shelf to make a cosy little nook for her:)


tried to catch her jumping onto the shelf!


Having a bite to eat


Omg I am so jealous, it's amazing! How much did they charge you? You should totally get a cute companion for Millie ;)
Thanks.:DThey only charged us costs for the materials, but we'll have to buy them a present or take them out to dinner or something as a thank you!

And Grace, I'd love another bunny to give Millie some more company, but no can do, my parents won't let me get another. Seeing how happy Millie was today when I moved her in so made me wish Ruby was still alive to see this place.:( She would have loved it. Binkies galore!:)
Wow, that is really nice. Makes me wish I had something like that for my bunnies on days I felt like taking them outside. Maybe someday.
That is one awesome home Millie has Jess,what a lucky little girl!

I'm sure she just loves it
that makes Pokers hutch look like a shack :( i mean its not at all, but that is sooo huge and nice. too bad you cant get another bunny- or even 10 bunnies by the size of that. :D

it looks great:highfive:
That's beautiful!

Does she get that tunnel all the time? I have a few of those for my buns and they love them, but they also love trying to eat them so I only let them have them under supervision.
Thanks guys.:D

I left her out inthe whole thinglast night (didn't lock her away in the actual hutch as I've done with previous set-ups) and was nervous, which is silly because it's so sturdy there is no way anything could get in, so really it's no different to her just being in a hutch. I stayed up till 1am checking on her, then my mum checked on her as soon as she got up this morning. Safe to sayMillie is absolutely fine but looks pretty tired from a night full of exploring!:)Oh I do love this set-up. Now, unless the weather is really bad, Millie can stay out 24/7. It'll be great come summer and those long warm nights!

Christina - yes she gets that tunnel all the time. She's had it about 4 years now with no mishaps (and Millie is a pretty destructive bun when she wants to be!;)) so I thinkit's safe to be left with her.:)

Oh and Crystal - I gave her a big snug from you!;)
Holy cr.... er... cow! That is amazing, must be the best hutch I have ever seen. She must love it! How tall is it?

Oh gosh I'd love to have something like that. Good on your for being such an awesome bunny owner, that's a lovely setup.

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