Millie really IS a princess now!

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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Durham, England, , United Kingdom
As most of you will know my old foster bunny, Ben, died a few days ago.:tears2:Well, I think having his old stuff around was just too hard for Chris (his owner) so she has given me all his old toys/hays etc. At first I didn't really want them as they made me way too upset, especially his old fort that he loved so much, however Millie has pulled her usual trick and turned something sad into something happy. She absolutely loves the fort, she's really making me smile with it. She never leaves!

So now she really does believe that she is a real princess - with her own castle and everything!:p


"Ooo I like the tunnel!"

"and the view"

"takes a while to get a hang of the different floors though..."

"take a peek"

"point of no return!"

"the gardens are pretty nice too"

"lovely view";)

Absolutley fantastic pictures of the beautiful Millie, as per usual! I don't think it's even possible for her to have a 'bad' picture.


I am so glad that the princess managed to turn something sad into something happy, she's such a sweetie. I LOVE her toes all spread out in the poiunt of no return picture :D.
Very cute,
Millie is adorable - I love Rex's

What a wonderful way to honor Ben - through giving Millie the fort he loved so much she is helping you to heal. I'm sure Ben is smiling from above.

Millie's adorable as ever and I think it's about time that the princess got her own castle. Now all she needs is a mote!
That castle is truly amazing!

Maybe she should wait on the tallest tower for her Prince :p

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Aww Millie looks like she's having a blast in there..she loves her castle...ha ha i just love the picture of Millie looking that is just the cutest thing and it made me giggle...she is so sweet..that little bunny.

Awwww! That's so cute!

That upside down picture has to be A) the cutest picture EVER and B) the closest you will ever get to a bunny's chin lol!! SOOOOOOOO cute! I love Millie!

The castle is great too, I'm so sorry about Ben but I'm glad that Millie brings you some happiness in it


Jen xx
Aww thank you guys!:hug:She is so funny with it. It's only taken her a couple of days to get used to it and now she is bounding up and down the levels like a 6 month old instead ofa 6 year old!;)She is actually snoozing on the second level as I write this.:D My cat, Ollie, tried to 'invade' it before but she soon chased him off.:p
Aww Jess, I can understand how hesitant you were to get Ben's things, but look at how happy Millie is - truely makes it worthwhile :). I am sure Ben is happy to let her have it, though I think even he would have chased Ollie off ;).

Great pics of a perfect Princess!

I looove the photos, especially the looking down one, I've never seen a bunny photo from that angle before. Millie looks stunning as usual.
I had that picture of Ben in his castle as my background for a few days, so I'm glad that you and Millie can enjoy something of his as a memory of him. And the pictures are great. I wish Chris (Ben's owner) wasn't too sad to have Ben's things around, though. Maybe he'll get another bunny someday.

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