Meet Buster

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Jul 9, 2012
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Louisville, Kentucky, USA
I got Buster 3 days ago. He is a 6 week old holland lop. He seems a little skittish when being messed with. When hes in his cage he doesnt want to do anything except sit in a corner. This is my first time every owning a bunny. So if anyone has any tips or information, please feel free to share it with me!!


You both have to get used to each other. Time and patience. Try a little handling. He will have to get used to a certain amount anyway. It's a process, and, slow with some. Welcome to the forum.
Yea. I'm doing everything I can to feel safe with me. I haven't got to see his personality yet. My friend has one of its siblings and it is opposite of the one I have. Mine is shy and skittish while his siblings are playful and such. I'm hoping that keeping him out of his cage and interacting with him more will make things better :)

thanks for the welcoming and the info!!
Welcome! The very first day I got my holland lop she was skittish. I let her settle the first day and every single day after that I have held her and cradled her. Three days after having her she was comfortable enough to fall asleep on my husband and I. She'd flop right on us and knock out for a couple hours. She is now about 11 weeks old and a complete cuddle bunny. Lots of handling, cuddling, and talking works wonders. :)
Congrats on your new bunny!

I'm from the mindset that when you first bring them home you "ignore" them for awhile. Let him watch you from afar but let him get settled into his new cage.

Then start slowly, brief interactions but still ignoring. Like sit on the floor and read a book and let him come up and sniff but don't force too much yet.

He will begin to get more comfortable and realize you are okay ;)

Good luck! Keep us updated and we would love to see pics!
Hello, congrats on your new baby. Holland Lops are shy bunnies. I have a Holland Lop girl and she just sits and looks so cute and my Dutch bunny is very active and playful. It will take some time. Good Luck

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