me, and bunnies

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Feb 14, 2008
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i've been an animal lover my entire life, and i do love bunnies, sooo much...i've been bitten, and scratched, before, but feel like i've earned the scars...i would never abandon, neglect, nor abuse any bunny, nor any other of God's sweet creatures...i'm going vegatarian, going to try even vegan...;) name is suzy and i live in east texas...wish i knew how to post pictures of the sweetie-pie bunnies living with me...could you help?:biggrin2:
Hi Suzy!

Welcome to the forum!

Start an account at, and you can upload all your pictures on there and then link us to them!

Can't wait to see your babies!

If you need anything at all, this forum is the PLACE to be. There are so many knowledgable rabbit folks on here, from our resident show judge Pam who already commented on here to the breeders across the whole world that are happy to help you out.

Good luck, and I hope to see you become a regular!!!!! :)

Tracy (and my little baby, Nemo!)
Another Texan! Welcome to the forum. I'm in SW Texas and I think bunnies are good for folks at ANY age....

thanks for the reply...i tell the sweet bunnies living with me every day, that i love them, always have and always will!! (i even loved them before they came to live with me)...when i was barely a teenager, (and am now 60years "young")..i helped a mom bun with 12 babies survive through hurricane carla...came up from the gulf coast...and i have a picture of me with one of the bunnies, and our cocker-spaniel named ginger, looking at the bunny, too!! i really mean i've loved God's creatures all of my life!:p
thanks for the contact...when i figure out how to upload pics of the sweet bunnies living with me, everyone (especially m:bunnybutt:e), will be excited to see them!!...:happyrabbit:
Thats so cool - so you've had bunnies all your life - I am tryin to persuade parents to let me have a house rabbit - i have a very old rabbit outside i've has since i was about 5!!


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