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New Member
Aug 16, 2014
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Yesterday I noticed something was up with my rabbits undercarriage but he wouldn't let me take a look. Today I found out there is matting there, and it was damp so I gave him a butt bath much to his dismay. When wet I saw the mats didn't block his genitals, they were on the side, but he had some urine in the fur. It's hard to tell if they go over his genitals when dry. I tried brushing and cutting some of the mats out after the bath(I think theres 2 or 3) but I couldn't do the best job as he was really upset, and I also was nervous that I'd cut him.

I'm going to try to cut and brush the rest out tomorrow but was curious, if I can't get them out, should I see if a vet will shave his butt and genital area?
And if he should get a shave there, should they put him under anesthetic to prevent injury?
He's a holland lop by the way, not a long hair breed, and he has no matting issues anywhere else.
It depends on the vet and how calm your bun is for them, whether they will need sedation or not. It would probably be easiest to have a vet clip it, but it may be expensive, especially if your bun needs sedation. You'll just have to call around for a price.

I'm not sure from your description, but if your bun is getting urine soaked fur, there may be a health problem causing it. Healthy rabbits shouldn't have any problems keeping clean under there. So if this is the case, your bun should also be checked over by the vet for this.
He started peeing in places he hasn't before right after posting this, so we made him a vet appointment to check his bladder out as well as to deal with his matting. Unfortunately both exotic vets are out of the clinic until this time next week so he has to wait until then to be seen. He's still acting completely like himself so hopefully he'll be alright until then.
Is there anything I can do to deal with the wet fur, or make him feel better until he gets seen?

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