Many new Bubby pics!!

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Okay Im confussed. ( it wouldnt be the firsttime);) Is bub a FawnFlemish? Looks like one to me, but issomebody saying that he is a palomino? IM SO CONFUSED. I MUST KNOW.What kind is he?

Always thought that he was a flemish. lOl. Kind of hopping you say heis cause i raise flemish and would hate to find out that I am wrongabout one!;););)JK Ican take it when I amwrong. I guess if I really really have to any way.

He sure is a awesome rabbit. I love the big bunnies that you can justdo about anything to and they dont care, and they are totally trusting.That takes a specail rabbit and a specail loving, carring owner.
:shock:I no you mean IM WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING? ;)NOW that just cant be!;)

I just dont know, i think you should talk to bub about coming over tothe flemish side. He could sure pull it off, hes got enoughsize to him, the bone, the ears, the eyes, face, color, type, ect ectect.Come on bub it would be so much fun! Plus then I wouldnt havebeenwrong. He he:p

I am however going to call him a Gentle Giant!;) Hes huge for hisbreed, if he is only four months old now I think he is going to beflemish size! He is bigger than a few of my flemish that i have thatare four months old.

showrabbits wrote:
:shock:I no you mean IM WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING?;)NOW that just cant be!;)

I just dont know, i think you should talk to bub about coming over tothe flemish side. He could sure pull it off, hes got enoughsize to him, the bone, the ears, the eyes, face, color, type, ect ectect.Come on bub it would be so much fun! Plus then I wouldnt havebeenwrong. He he:p

I am however going to call him a Gentle Giant!;) Hes huge for hisbreed, if he is only four months old now I think he is going to beflemish size! He is bigger than a few of my flemish that i have thatare four months old.


I always wanteda Flemish Giant, so I'm gleefully watching myboy assume those mammoth proportions. I'd be happy if he would pass forGiant! :D

Is he really big for his breed? His dad was on the small side!I'm hoping he keeps growing....and growing....and growing! That's sofunny that he's bigger than some of yourFlemish! I'm guessingat the weight as I don't have a scale, but I usually get pretty close.And he's getting heavy to carry, compared to his dad (7-9 lbs atvarious times in his life).

The pics don't show it well, but he's reallya dark glowing orange. It looks sandy in the pic though!

So here's my question--how much more (and howfast)doFlemmys grow after 4 mo.? It will be fun tosee how he lines up.

And if it makes you feel better....his sister is a light sandy colorwith slight ear ticking and dark lashes, just like a Flemmy! It was anoutcross so we saw some really unusual markings on a few of them. Bubcomes closest to breed standard. Wonder how he'd do in a show? Couldn'tbe ARBA though--I didn't have papers on his daddy!

Our stock in the area is soooo interbred it was time for an outcross! Pals are rare here.

Spiced77 wrote:
holy cow your 8 week old Bub is about the same size as myalmost full grown mini-rexes! *faint* but oh boy iwant a big bunny someday..

big buns are so fun. They are so easygoing!!! I love your mini rex pics!! I had one once who looked like the male.



Just wonderin, Rose,

Do you say Bubby's name in alto or soprano?

Since he's grown up, I feel compelled to say it like the Blues - Bubbayy.


I wonder if he has flemish in him. The Fawn Flemish giants look almostthe same color as thepalominos. They often times have sandiesin them since breeders like to cross the sandies and the fawnstogether. That would make since that you say that you got one in thelitter that had the some of the sandy lacing, and ticking. That is whatyou get if you have fawns with sandies in the backround and it is a theright cross. It is hard to say how fast a flemish grow. I use to likethe ones that were about 14 pounds at six months, but the things that Ifound when they grow realy fast when they are jrs is that they usaulydont grow much more than that. So now my lines are slower growing, andi am actualy pretty happy with that. Everyonce in a while I will get alitter that I will have to wait for them to get sr wieght, but theyusauly get alot bigger than the ones that get sr wieght when they arejrs. Usauly they are full grown when they are a year old, but thenagain I have a flemish doe that I retired about three years ago, she isover five years old now and in the last two years she grew three inchestaller, and gained five more pounds. She stoped growing for about twoyearswhen she turned a year old.She still needs toget to about 19 pounds because she runs our barn and is racy (basicallytoo fit for a rabbit(figure that lol)) because she runs off herfinishing wieght. Was the person you got him from guessing that he wasa palomino, or did they actualy raise pure breed palominos. Sometimespeople will have a pet rabbit book that lists the breeds and assumethat they are a breed that they look right. A flemish giantthat was in a realy big litter, not given full feed all the time, oreven given a low fat, low protein feed will be small. I was trying tohelp out a 4-her because they could not get their rabbits over ninepounds, and they were buying flemish that should of grown to be about19 pounds. We couldnt figure it out. Eventrully I figured out thatalthough she says that they had food and water every night she actualywould just fill up their water bowl and feeder and sometimes wouldntcheck on them the next day and I am hoping not any more than just oneday. A growing flemish that realy makes a big difference. Some peopleread that some breeds need their feed restricted, but on flemish yourealy do not want to restrict their feed and sometimes people do notknow that. That is how people get nine pound flemish giants. On theother hand the smaller breed rabbits that get a high protein/fat feedthen they will get big and fat (this doesnt count on flemish flemishneeds the 18 percent protein feeds), but on bub he doesnt look like heis fat for a rabbit, he has the frame for his size, a palomino has asmaller frame, ears, and everything else. What are the chances that youhave at least a part flemish on your hands? I will try to post somepictures of some of my sandies at bubs age, and find some good picturesof palominos online, you may be able to figure out wich one he lookslike more from those. I have a litter of flemish that are at the fourmonth old age right now. Even the baby pictures look like they areflemish! Ill try to get the pics tomorrow.
Hmmm is right!

Bub's dad had no pedigree--we discovered the Pal breed when he wasolder and it matched him exactly. We showed him in 4-H as aPal and he did fairly well.

The one breeder in the area figures he was originally from his stock,because he had sold unpaperedPal babies to the store where wefound him. That breeder was after me for years to breed Bunbun to oneof his does, since the breeding stock was so limited and he wanted anoutcross.

He was a stocky, smallish buck with smaller, straight ears and thestandard bright Pal coloring (which lightened as he aged). The biggestgiveaway was those thick pale orange lashes. I had a Flemmy mix once,and she was sandy with thick black lashes.

Anything's possible--but it's more likely he was indeed Pal. My thoughtis that the breeder (or his supplier) may have crossed some Giants intothe line somewhere generations back to increase the size, because hisdoes are massive and have Flemish-like bodies with huge ears. Thus theticking and sandy coloring that pops out when we outcrossed.

Bub's mom was part of his stock, and she was probably between 12-14 lbswith a huge frame and ears.Bub actually looks much like heras he gets older.

The pics really don't do the color justice. He is really, reallybright, like a new penny with no ticking, and his lashes are orange.I'd love to see pics of your sandies!

I'm figuring on feeding him like a Giant, because he's burning food sofast. I get a little weight on one day and it's gone the next, and Ican feel his ribs again. All mine get Purina, standard type.

You're right, he's not fat--just huge!

Here's his dad, but he's very old in this pic so hiscolor and bodyhave changed.



He weighed about 7-8 lbs. at this point.


Carolyn wrote:
Just wonderin, Rose,

Do you say Bubby's name in alto or soprano?

Since he's grown up, I feel compelled to say it like the Blues - Bubbayy.


Oh, since he sings bass now, it's definitely a deep "Bubbbayy". I remember when he had a piercing squeak.....


Hey! look what I found!

"Some commercial rabbit meat operations occaasionally cross FlemishGiants with the usual commercial breeds, e.g., New Zealands andCalifornians, to produce a larger meat rabbit."

The localbreeder definitely bred for meat rabbits and I wouldn't be surprised if there was some Flemish somewhere.


Rose, exactly how common are Palaminos? Just curious, because I'veoften said I'd like to find out exactly what Peanut's lopancestry crossed with. Anyway, looking at those photos of Bunbun I amstruck by how remarkably similar he looks to my Peanut. She's got alarge frame, which she doesn't quite fill, very large feet, thick furexactly the color you described with white around the eyes and a whitebelly, and those loooong, gorgeous orange lashes. In that last photo Iwould have sworn in was Peanut if not for the erect ears. Probably afar fetch, but now I'm curious....
Pals are not all that common--no idea why, sincethey are great!! But it is definitely possible. The orange lashes arereally distinctive, and Peanut's face does look like Bunbun. Bunbun hada compact frame though. But his son is long and lanky--I think it comesfrom mom's side.


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