major cage aggression (Daphne)

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Emma Jean

Jan 14, 2008
Reaction score
Winona, Minnesota, USA
My sis just adopted a rabbit that was dumped out in the streets in Milwaukee. We now have a good idea why. She is severely cage aggressive and very dominant. She has bite my sister a couple times and drawn blood and when she even walks past the cage Daphne will either charge her or grunt and growl at her. I'm assuming part of it is because she isn't fixed and is showing signs of a false pregnancy but thats nuts. She is planning to get her fixed in the near future but how do you deal with cage aggression thats that bad? Also when she is with my sister's male, who is fixed, she mounts him and doesn't leave the perimeter of his cage. It's like she obsessed. We are just a little worried about hat to do with her at the moment since she isn't exactly a small rabbit and can obviously inflict real pain. Any ideas?

Emma Jean
I think it's great that your sister adopted one of these buns. However, I wouldn't put her with your male without a bonding situation taking place, nor without her being spayed. They will fight if not bonded, which can take months.

Your're right about the hormones, but without being spayed and bonded and another male around, makes it worse for her as far as behavior, it will likely cause the behavior (or the behavior chooses her, lol).

As far as cage aggession, I would recommend not reaching into her cage at all while she's in it if you can. If you can't get her out to feed her, I'd wear gloves. Just feed her and be done, don't try to pet her with the gloves on either. Try letting her out when you feed her too, if that can be part of her playtime out, that will help alot, she won't need to be cage aggressive as she won't be in the cage when you put the food in. Does that make sense? If not, feel free to ask anything you need. I know it can be confusing. Glad to try to help!:)

Good Luck!

A bigger cage may help, it helped with my aggressive bun Flopsy. I also always reached in from the very top and came down on her head pushing it to the floor to show dominance. But really the bigger cage made a HUGE difference. Get some NICs and make a 3x2 cage at least. That way you can reach her, but she won't be as aggressive...hopefully. Our NIC cage is 5x6... but when it was smaller, it still helped.

Hope THAT helps, :)
Also, since she was found dumped in the street (a huge bravo to your sister who saved her life!), her agressiveness maybe -even partly- due to her being afraid of people. Maybe in time, with kindness and love, she's calm down, feel more secure in her new environment and stop acting so agressively.

My sis joined the forum and if you haven't found it already she's talking about it under the intro page, her screen name is Danielle89.
Emma Jean wrote:
My sis joined the forum and if you haven't found it already she's talking about it under the intro page, her screen name is Danielle89.
Thanks for letting us know! Geez, I actually posted in there and didn't realize the name Daphne or put the two together:embarrassed:. I'm an egg:p.
Emma Jean and Danielle89, hi!
I was wandering how Daphne is doing now. Is she any less aggressive? Has she settled down and is she feeling confortable and calmer in her new home? Do you see any progress at all with her temperament?

Well, little miss Daphne was doing MUCH BETTER with the cage aggression accept I finally was able to get her in to get spayed so of coarse, now she has fact...she's worse than she was when I first got I guess I have to start back from square one again:pullhair:

But I just wont give up on my poor little Daphne
Don't give up! I adopted a mini-rex, Basil, September 30th, 2007 and had him neutered in late October. Even after the neuter, it wasn't until late December that I really felt safe sticking my hands in his cage. I just did my best not to stick my hands in his cage and gave him a bigger cage and time and patience. Now he is a sweetheart and will beg for nose pets (in his cage!) every time I open the door.
Well thanks for the vote of confidence. I know it will take some time but Daphmne will eventually come around. Im looking forward to moveing forward with her. Afterall, from here on she can only get better...which is a relief.

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