loved ones deployed anyone?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2009
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, Louisiana, USA
My boyfriend just deployed today to Balad, Iraq and I'm just a mess. I didn't cry at the airport or anything and 10 hours later, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Anyone on RO have anyone close to them enlisted?
I know how you feel. My husband is Army. I just got him back this past June. We put our lives on hold during his 15 month deployment. We figured when he got back we will have time to enjoy life and have a baby. As of yesterday I am 30 weeks pregnant and found out last month he is being deployed again! I couldn't believe it! I am still mad, upset, you name it.... So now he's doing soo much training to prepare for this deployment and constantly in and out with plenty of late nights. It looks like he'll be leaving in September to go to Iraq to help with the pull out... A dangerous situation. He was orignally promised he would not be called up for deployment for 2 years, well when Bush left office so did that promise.

I'm here if you ever want to talk or if you need anything. I hope for a speedy return of your loved one.

Wow! 15 months! I'm so sorry. My boyfriend is a TACP in the Air Force (they call in airstrikes and work with Army only). His deployment is only 6 months. Well we have each other if you need someone to talk to. My email is on my page your you can PM me. Thanks for the shoulder :hug:
Not me (thank goodness!) but my coworker's son is being deployed. She's a wreck. He already went once in the very beginning. Now he has a fiance waiting for him too.


I hope Gentle Giants sees this. I know her husband has been deployed before. I think he's back now?

Ok in my country you can't get deployed but I was just wondering, do you have to be in the army for them to deploy you or do they just pick you and you have to go?
irishbunny wrote:
Ok in my country you can't get deployed but I was just wondering, do you have to be in the army for them to deploy you or do they just pick you and you have to go?
You have to enlist in the army first.
Brandy456 wrote:
irishbunny wrote:
Ok in my country you can't get deployed but I was just wondering, do you have to be in the army for them to deploy you or do they just pick you and you have to go?
You have to enlist in the army first.

Or Navy, Marines, Air Force, or National Guard.

My husband's best friend just got back from a deployment in Colombia, and is now slated for Afghanistan. Hegot divorced, his ex-wifeis also in the army. She's been to Iraq once, and is expecting to have to go back. Their 4-year-old has spent more of his life living with his grandmother than his parents because those two keep getting deployed and/or sent for training.
penguinsrxcore wrote:
Wow! 15 months! I'm so sorry. My boyfriend is a TACP in the Air Force (they call in airstrikes and work with Army only). His deployment is only 6 months. Well we have each other if you need someone to talk to. My email is on my page your you can PM me. Thanks for the shoulder :hug:
the air force has it pretty nice with their short deployments, probably keeps them more sane too. yeah that 15 months was orignally supposed to be 18 months and when the war first broke out he was sent over there with no time frame and thats when he kept getting extended to stay there because no one knew what was going on, so he was there for almost 2 years... & I think their little trip back home in the middle of their deployment is way too short. 2 weeks isn't good enough. you spend that time adjusting back to the real world and then you got to go right back... his last deployment he came home for two weeks in the middle of the deployment and he wanted to drive home from the airport ( bad decision on my part for letting him, i know better now) we where driving on the freeway & there was a large box on the side of the road.. omg he swerved through several lanes to get far away from it and freaked out for a second... it was really sad & hard to see. its this way too when he comes back home and takes a while to settle down, the nightmares, loud sudden noises... He still has his own things he has to deal with and will have to carry for the rest of his life. and i know everyone is dealing with this to a degree... and i think thats why a lot of people are acting out doing things they normally would not do and the military is dealing with a lot more violence, suicides, theft, and otherodd behavior back at home. the military waited a little too long trying to make things better and now they have a huge problem on their hands. i meant some of the crimes going on here at the base my husband is at is really insane and some down right unspeakable, everyone is getting in trouble but i guess that going on everywhere... all this really needs to end... sorry to rag on and on.
So... are they gonna start providing decent mental health care yet? Cause I keep seeing articles about the suicide rates, etc., and lord knows how some of the Vietnam vets turned out. I really feel bad for the troops who come home with little support.
I just wondering, if they don't want to be deployed how come they join the army? I hope I'm not offending anyone, it's just I was thinking about this before and thought I'd find out :)
When we're not at war, a deployment might only last for a few months and then you're back home to your family and regular job. Joining the National Guard, Army Reserves, etc. can pay for college, provide job training, etc. Nobody wants to be away from their families and in a war zone for a year + at a time. Or get deployed multiple times, constantly disrupting their lives and putting them at risk.

Some people are recalled after being discharged from service too. There was a recent story of a woman who was discharged several years ago and now has two toddlers and a husband whose job keeps him away from the home most days. When she was recalled and couldn't convince them not to make her report for duty, she showed up with her toddlers to convince them that she really didn't have another way to care for them. That's how much it took for them to realize that she really, really couldn't be called back to war.
irishbunny wrote:
I just wondering, if they don't want to be deployed how come they join the army? I hope I'm not offending anyone, it's just I was thinking about this before and thought I'd find out :)
I think some of the soldiers aren't necessarily not wanting to be deployed. Some of them actually want to be able to go do the job they've trained to do. (I've heard it described as training to be a surgeon, but then not ever getting to do surgery.)

It's really hard on families, though. Especially when the soldier is deployed for 18 months at a time (I think 12 months used to be normal?) and is deployed over and over and over again. There have also been some issues where the soldier had served his/her time, and was scheduled to get out of the army, but then got re-deployed again instead, lengthening the time they had in the service.
I heard they are going to stop doing that, thankfully.

ETA: I hope I haven't mis-spoken on this. My immediate family isn't in the military, so I'm going on what I've heard from my husband's friends. I already mentioned his one friend, who just got divorced. (Those two had no business being married in the first place.)
He has another friend in the Army, he got his deployment orders for Iraq just a few days after he proposed to his girlfriend. They got married after he got back (15 months out), but they have now decided to get divorced, as well. She just wasn't prepared for the military life. The first time he got moved, she had to quit her teaching job and couldn't find teaching work at the new base. It makes me really sad, those two were so good for each other.
NetherlandDwarf wrote:
the air force has it pretty nice with their short deployments, probably keeps them more sane too. yeah that 15 months was orignally supposed to be 18 months and when the war first broke out he was sent over there with no time frame and thats when he kept getting extended to stay there because no one knew what was going on, so he was there for almost 2 years... & I think their little trip back home in the middle of their deployment is way too short. 2 weeks isn't good enough. you spend that time adjusting back to the real world and then you got to go right back... his last deployment he came home for two weeks in the middle of the deployment and he wanted to drive home from the airport ( bad decision on my part for letting him, i know better now) we where driving on the freeway & there was a large box on the side of the road.. omg he swerved through several lanes to get far away from it and freaked out for a second... it was really sad & hard to see. its this way too when he comes back home and takes a while to settle down, the nightmares, loud sudden noises... He still has his own things he has to deal with and will have to carry for the rest of his life. and i know everyone is dealing with this to a degree... and i think thats why a lot of people are acting out doing things they normally would not do and the military is dealing with a lot more violence, suicides, theft, and otherodd behavior back at home. the military waited a little too long trying to make things better and now they have a huge problem on their hands. i meant some of the crimes going on here at the base my husband is at is really insane and some down right unspeakable, everyone is getting in trouble but i guess that going on everywhere... all this really needs to end... sorry to rag on and on.
your totally not ragging on! i feel the same way! i see the ptsd and suicides way too often. it's great that your husband only has it to a degree though. your very lucky :USAflagwaving:
naturestee wrote:
So... are they gonna start providing decent mental health care yet? Cause I keep seeing articles about the suicide rates, etc., and lord knows how some of the Vietnam vets turned out. I really feel bad for the troops who come home with little support.
very little mental health care so far. they have saftey breefings about it on occasion but thats about it. and my grandpa is a viet vet and it turned out pretty bad.
irishbunny wrote:
I just wondering, if they don't want to be deployed how come they join the army? I hope I'm not offending anyone, it's just I was thinking about this before and thought I'd find out :)
Actually, my boyfriend is pumped about deploying. It's his job. It gets boring sometimes but generally the guys want to deploy. The wives/girlfriends on the other hand don't like it... :sad:
penguinsrxcore wrote:
naturestee wrote:
So... are they gonna start providing decent mental health care yet? Cause I keep seeing articles about the suicide rates, etc., and lord knows how some of the Vietnam vets turned out. I really feel bad for the troops who come home with little support.
very little mental health care so far. they have saftey breefings about it on occasion but thats about it. and my grandpa is a viet vet and it turned out pretty bad.
My high school psych (and Contemporary US History) teacher was a (drafted) Vietnam vet. So yeah, we spent a lot of time learning about PTSD and other common mental problems in veterans. I had two uncles serve in Asia (I think one in Korea, one in 'Nam?) but from what I know they adjusted pretty well. It might have helped that they both found wives overseas since they were there for so long. My FIL joined the National Guard to avoid getting drafted during 'Nam, boy would he be screwed today!

I'm really glad I don't have any friends or relatives in the military right now. I don't know how you guys deal with it. What do you do if you don't actually support the Iraq war?

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