Longest Bonding Period

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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2007
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San Diego, California, USA
l was wondering, for those of you that have had to bond buns, what has been your longest bonding period?

Would you be willing to share some of your trials and tribulations during the bonding period and when you finally (and how you knew) were able to leave them overnight together for the first time?

Thanks :biggrin2:
Oberon and Fey would be my longest. Started with Oberon, Fey, and Sprite in... omg Jan/Feb 2007.:shock: Oberon was terrified of them. Got well along in bonding when Sprite passed away September 2007. Intensified bonding, moved in with Fey a few weeks later... few weeks after that horrible fight and they were separated. Took things very slow and they moved in together for good last fall. November maybe?

To help Oberon get over his fear of the girls (and utter inability to relate to them), we did "forced cuddling." Held Oberon and one or both girls on my lap together with my hubby helping, petting and praising them. After a month or so Oberon started to willingly snuggle into them. Then bathtub bonding for several months. He and Fey had a few decent dates in the living room but Sprite was still working out dominance with Oberon.

When I made the big decision to put Oberon in Fey's pen overnight again this fall, I did it because A) As soon as I opened their doors they would always run to snuggle with each other and had been doing so for several weeks.

B)Fey was increasingly depressed without an all-day snuggle buddy. Playing less, eating less, and just needed some always-available love.

IMO, one really good sign that they can live together is when they can play in each others cages with no signs of concern from the bunny that lives there. Sometimes it takes a little time for a bun to get used to seeing another bunny pooping in his litterbox or eating his precious hay. Especially good is snuggling or grooming in each other's cage during playtime.
I haven't bonded any bunnies before but when I first got Dippy and Fluffball (and were told they were both does) they were not from the same litter and the breeder (who I do not like) grabbed one from one cage and put her in then one from another and they have been together since then. Well thats not entirley true becuase they were in fact buck and doe and are seperate now and have been since about May last year.
It only took a week or so to bond Toby and Emma. We did bathtub dates, one car ride (on the way home from picking her up), and let them play in our hallway while we watched. Now, we've only had Emma for 24 days, and they are bonded 100%. They have been like that for at least two weeks. I got lucky...
It took Pete and Goobie a good nine months to finally decide to live together. The little Princess didn't want to share her castle. They were together for six months after that (1/08 - 6/08). Pete unfortunately passed away due to an infection. Goobie is now bonded to Woody. That took about a week or so for them to bond.

Smitten and Sawyer have been bonded for two years. Only took a week from them to shack up.
I'm always so jealous of people who are able to do easy bondings! :)I've done 3 and none of them were easy. They all took several months and a lot of dedicated time and attention and there were times when it was really frustrating. But in the end it was always worth it!! :)Nothing sweeter than snuggly buns.

Thank you all for your stories, its definitely different for all cases. I've had my Dori for 1 1/2 years, and Enkei came to live with us December 28th. It's been a tough road with some ups and downs, and I'm working on still trying to bond them. I've gotten some great advice from the House Rabbit Society and from this board, so I"m taking all the suggestions and continually working on their bonding. I know the road is still long ahead, but hopefully someday soon I can have to happy bonded buns :D

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