Litterbox training... UGH!

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
I've looked and search and sifted through the 101 section. I need help litterpan training Thumper!

Even though he's blind, I was told that I could probably litterpan train him. Well, here's what he does. I put the litterpan in a corner. He pee's in the opposite corner. So, I moved the litterpan to that corner, and he just picks a new corner to pee in. He's not dumb, that's for sure!

So, I moved his litterpan to yet another corner, and put hay in the pan. He loved the hay, hated the litterpan and went on his merry-peeing-way to another corner.

Any suggestions on getting him to use the litterpan? He'll happily get in it to eat hay, just not to use the bathroom. And he knows it's there, that's why when I move it to the corner he pee's in, he changes corners.

He knows what he's doing!

:litterempty: . . . . :sweep . . . :bunnybutt:

Put a litterbox in every corner.:)

Also, how high is it? Maybe he's having trouble getting into it. You could cut it down so that the sides that are open to him are lower.
A pan in every corner? :shock:It'd take up a lot of his floor space. :?

The pan is very shallow, and he has no trouble what-so-ever getting in it to the eat the hay I provide. But come bathroom time, he wants to do it anywhere but the litterpan. *Mutters something about him being a spoiled brat*<WBR>/include/inc_product_detail<WBR>_popup.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id<WBR>=845524441815361&FOLDER%3C<WBR>%3Efolder_id=2534374302023695<WBR>&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id<WBR>=2534374302023695&bmUID<WBR>=1170354227540] Here&#39;s [/url] the litterpan:

I even took the grate out thinking maybe he didn&#39;t like it. Nope, he still couldn&#39;t care less.

How big is that compared to him? Is it the size of those small corner litter boxes for rabbits? Cause even my dwarf buns think those are too small. The smallest I&#39;d go is a kitten litter box.
It&#39;s about the size of those corner pans, yeah. Except a little more rounded in the front, making it a tiny bit bigger. Not much though. JJ and Harper never seemed to care about the corner pans.

Until I can try a bigger pan, are there any tricks to getting him to a use a pan? It&#39;s not really a given that he&#39;ll even use the bigger pan. He loves sitting in the pan he has now to rest and eat hay. He just doesn&#39;t want to use the bathroom in it. :?
Just as a nice, inexpensive idea...

My girls all use those simple, plastic, square kitty litter pans...the ones that the smallest are like $4. They really love them, plenty big enough to fit their whole body in. They have ones that are the size for kittens that might be just the right size for Thumper.

Can he fit his whole body in the litterbox? If not, that might be the problem. I get ones so that, with their whole body in the box, they have about an inch of room all around.<WBR>/petco_Product_R_10402_PC<WBR>_productlist_Nav_206_N_23+107<WBR>+30+5658_sku_416282_familyID<WBR>_15214.aspx?Ns=P_Price%7c0] Click here [/url] to check it out.

Just an idea...hope it helps! :D

Thanks Rosie, I&#39;ll try getting one of those and see. He can barely fit his whole body in the pan,and he has to turn sideways to do it. This never bothered Harper or JJ, but I know every rabbit is different.

Thanks again!
Hey! I&#39;m glad it helped!! Yeah, they&#39;re a perfect size for my girls. I have Maisie (who&#39;s about 5lbs) in the smallest size, and Flower (who is about twice Maisie&#39;s size) in the next-largest size of pan.

As far as Trixie...well, she came with her own setup. Though, I will say, it is a cat litterbox as well, just with taller sides. :)

So, yay! Keep me updated on how it goes, ok? :)

Love to you and the boys,

Rosie and the Girls* :bunnydance::bunnydance:<WBR>:bunnydance:
Oh, P.S. I think I&#39;ll take those links and create hotlinks for them, so the thread is a little less wide. Hope you don&#39;t mind! :D
maherwoman wrote:
Oh, P.S. I think I&#39;ll take those links and create hotlinks for them, so the thread is a little less wide. Hope you don&#39;t mind! :D
No problem! I have no idea why it did that. I only hit the copy button on the picture off Petsmart&#39;s website. I thought it would only copy the picture, not the entire link. Feel free to shorten it up (or just paste the picture without the link if you can figure out how!)

When i first brought Nibbles home, I had 4 litterboxes for her - 2 in her condo, and two in the room where she gets to run around a lot. She did sometimes pee in a corner without a litterbox, but I would move a box to whatever corner it was; also soak up some of the pee with paper and put it in the litterbox.

As she got accustomed to having more space, i was able to cut down on the number of litterboxes - gradually. Now she only has one in her condo/ex-pen. She uses this religiously when she&#39;s out for supervised run time.

I think one of the tricks with her was that I got decent-sized boxes (two kitten-size and two large cat litter boxes); also that I put hay in them from day one. I can see why those triangular boxes wouldn&#39;t suit all bunnies - many like to be able to hang out in the litterbox. (Nibbles regularly moves her hay and litter around when in her box, and I&#39;m thrilled that she gets so much entertainment value from them. :))

Also, I quickly found out that she prefers the larger boxes, so that&#39;s what she gets most of the time. (I use the smaller ones for hangout time in other rooms and on my bed.)

I agree that size of the pan is a huge issue! Bo and clover both had problems as they grew and their pan didn&#39;t. Now they both have large ones. We also have a large square highback on the floor where they play, 2 large highbacks in Bo&#39;s cage cause he sits and eats hay at one end and poos the entire time. The other side is where he wants to pee so I put one there also. So far, no problems.
We. HAVE. PROGRESS! :party0002:

I cleaned his cage well last night, moved the litterpan yet again to a new corner he was favoring, and he&#39;s been peeing in it since last night! WAHOOOOO!!!:happydance[<WBR>/size]

Now he&#39;s still pooping all over the cage, but that&#39;s no biggie. I can sweep those up and throw them in his litterpan.

Now let&#39;s just hope he continues peeing in the pan!:pleaseplease:<WBR>
Woo hoo!
YAY!!! Happy to hear it!!

Go, Thumper!!!

FYI, I just found this and I think it has some great ideas. I also put it in the Bunny 101 thread.

Fourteen Reasons Why Your House Rabbit May Stop Using His Litter Tray.


I have been training the two new bunnies from Sugar Glider (Pecan andSweet Potatoe, and Jazzy (we got her by mistake, had her for oneweek). Anyways, we used a dish pan and my husbandcut the front out, and then put plastic guards over the roughpart. At first they kept peeing in their play pen forrabbits, but after a day and after putting hay in the litter box, theyhave been peeing in the litter box. We just switch rabbitstoday for the other male, andsince he has been home with us,he has not once urinated outside the litter box. Now if I canjust get them to use the litter box for droppings most of thetime. What would be a good reward for a 2 month old bunny (orkit).

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