Liam is on the way!

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Jun 21, 2012
Reaction score
York, South Carolina, USA
Rachel sent me the text to tell me to tell all of you guys that LIAM WILL BE MAKING AN APPEARANCE IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE!

She's at the hospital and they're inducing her! :dancingorig:

I'm so excited for her!
About **** time!! :D

edit: jerks took away my all caps... I think it should've been allowed for this for how long she's been waiting to get that baby out of her!
I know, it won't let me have the title in all caps, because thats how I wrote it and it took them away! AHHHH!

I just got off the phone with her and I could hear his little heart beat just a going on the monitor! She was talking through contractions, but they were like 1-2 minutes apart. He should be here tonight!

Oh my god, I'm so freaking excited! I love babies!
it's really mean to take all-caps away from people who use them sparingly just because there's a handful of morons in the world who use them for everything (especially when said morons never seem to find RO anyway)!
I'm gonna post real quick while I'm not in horrible pain. My cotractions are 1 minute apart. They are breaking my water in an hour. Getting pain meds now. Ill get the epidural after they break my water. I will update when I can.
hooray for pain meds! I can't imagine pushing an entire human being out of a hole that small without some serious drugs, lol.
I;m sure you're glad this day finally is here. Welcome, little Liam. Learn asap to sleep through the nite & otherwise be good Mom & Dad & older sister.
He's here!!! 7lbs 10oz and 21 inches long! Blonde hair and blue eyes. Being 2 weeks early I'm scared to think of what he would've weighed full term!
YAY! What a big healthy boy! I can't wait to see pictures! Congratulations! Tell daddy Nick I'm so happy for him! Awww, I'm so happy for you guys!
Here he is! William Elijah (aka Liam)

So let me just tell y'all. My epidural did NOT work. I was numb on one side barely and the other side not at all. They ended up giving me a small dose of pitocin and within in hour after giving it to me he was here. I was checked about 30 mins after they started the pitocin and I was 6cm. 15 mins later I was at an 8. About 5 mins after that I was screaming that I felt pressure and had to push! He was out in 3 pushes. The doctor didn't make it in my room before he was out lol. But it was painful! The pain was so bad I made sure I pushed hard. He was out in 3 pushes! I can't believe I birthed him practically without meds. I felt everything! But I am so glad he's here!
I can't imagine the pain... thank god it was over fast!! I'm so glad he's finally here - what a cutie!
So I've slept maybe 2 hours. But I don't feel tired. I'm weak from laboring all day though. I have just been sitting up watching my two men (big and little) sleep. I can't wait for my baby girl to get here in a few hours so I can have my whole little family together. She's the only thing missing, but she was just too tired last night to wait for him to come. Her whole schedule was thrown off yesterday. She didn't get her nap so she was exhausted. I can't wait to see her little smiling face :)

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