Let's Talk About Pee!

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Oct 23, 2013
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So my sister has a two year old male Netherlands Dwarf who was neutered in April. (I have a 10 month old Netherlands Dwarf unneutered male, just to share). Her rabbit is named Lennie.

Lennie has recently developed a very strong urine odor in the last few weeks. As soon as you open the door to go upstairs, you smell it. It's a scent very heavy with ammonia. He's litter pan trained and we use the thick paper pellets and his pan is changed every other day.

He's already been neutered. Is there something to help this? Or is there a possible health issue? Thanks!
Has anything been changed or added to his diet? Sometimes dietary changes can cause pee to smell less or more.

Otherwise, I'm honestly not sure.
If he was neutered just a month ago, his hormones will take another month to fully leave his system. So he COULD still be spray marking pee, as unlikely as it seems.

If it doesn't die down in the next few weeks I'd take him to the vet and get his pee checked for signs of infection.
When my boys started having smelly pee, I was told that it could be to much protein in the pellets. I reduced them and the smell went away. When my bag was almost out I transitioned them to pellets with less protein. No smelly pee with those.

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