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Nov 16, 2006
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Syracuse, New York, USA
Iwoke up this morning to the WORST smell in the world. Korey's abscess burst overnight all over his fur.Luckily,I already had a vet appointment for 10am today. The nurse was going to show me how to use the pill gun, because she had to more than once with her rabbit (Korey was not having that medicine under any circumstances. Not in juice, not on fruit, not at all lol). She squeezed some of the remaining pus out of the abscess, cleaned his fur with peroxide, and got the pill gun. He spit the pill out 3 times before she finally got him to swallow it. Then she gave me some syringes and told me it would be easier if I tried them mixed with liquid from the syringe.

Cute part of the story - Korey was up on the table, and the nurse was on one side working with him. I was on the other side of the table watching. Every time she let him go, he would come running over to me and hop up into my arms. It was the cutest thing. I felt so loved lol. But, now that we're home, all I'm seeing is this:bunnybutt:
Aww poor Korey :(I hope the syringe works for you..will you be crushing the pill up and mixing it with liquid them? I think thats the best way (besides being given liquid meds). Ive found the best way to get them to take it is to set them on your lap and hold their head while you place the syringe in their mouth. You just have to be very careful to be sure he's swallowing. If you give too much at once, he could choke.

What did they have to say about the abscess? Would it just be cheaper in the long run to surgically remove it?
They said that the abscess bursting on its own was what we wanted to happen, and to hot pack it 3 times a day for about a week. I have another appointment in 2 weeks for the vet to check how he's doing, and I'm sure he'll tell me then what the best thing to do will be.

I'm going to crush up the pills and mix them with water, but the nurse said if he doesn't like the taste of them with water, to just mix it with his favorite juice. She showed me how to use the syringe, and how much liquid to use with it.
Sounds great! My one vet that uses the pill Baytril always crushes it and mixes it with a pina colada flavor. Max resists, but if I use the syringe, he will take it.

Let us know how it goes!

Hi, have you ever tried to give the medicine with orange juice? Whenever we have to give Buttercup medicine we mix it with the OJ, he loves it. Our vet also told us to mix it with a little honey. We tried that couple of times and that also worked.

I would give him some of my orange juice from my cup, and he would drink it. Then I'd put the orange juice with medicine in front of him and he'd smell it and hop away. Luckily, he's good with the syringe. He wasn't too good with it at the vet, but with me he's pretty good. He tries to bury his face into the towel so I can't get to his mouth, but he doesn't spit any of it out like he did at the vet. So I think we found what works:bunnydance:

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