Kilie and I were in a car accident

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Oct 13, 2005
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Kilie and I were in a car accident tonight. Weare both pretty shook up but are safe and sound.I think we areboth still in shock. It is one thing that this happened to me, but mybaby was in the car!! I saw everything unfolding on the highway, andall I could think about was her.We were coming back to SC from spendingthe weekend in Atlanta with friends. We were 5 miles from home when acar lost control or went spinning across the highway, hit the median,bounced back into the interstate, and clipped us. Somehow, of all 10cars involved no one was severely hurt.Can anyone recommend agood vet in S.C.? We just moved here 3 weeks ago so I haven't had achance to get recommendations from people.Has this happen toanyone? Any tips on calming the bun? And preventing carterror?She already hated the car, but was a good traveler. (Kiliehas traveled the country with my as I pursued my education andcareer.)Angethespaz and Kilie
Wow! I'm so glad you're all right! How traumaticthat must be. I'm sorry I don't have any strategies for you to use withyour rabbit, but I just wanted to say how glad I am that you weren'tharmed. Make sure you get checked out anyway.
Oh you are so lucky you guys were nothurt, all I can say is talk to your bunny in a nice soft voice andreassure her, taking her to a vet is a good idea for a check up.

Goodluck and I wish you well
best way to reintorduce her tothe car is while it isnt moving . What Iwould do is let her play in thecar while its sitting inthedriveway . let her explore and getreintorduced to it all over again . then startit up after a while and see howshe reacts . if its negitavily , shut it backoff and give it a bit longer .You may have to do this a few timesbefore she doesnt react negitivly .Chances are You may be morenervouse and shook up aboutit than she is .

So Sorry you were in an accident, they are very traumatic even years andyears later . be sure to bechecked just to be on the safe side .

Thank god both of you are okay. That accidentmust be really scary. Poor Kilie. But the good news is that you guysare safe and sound.

I would definatley agree with Gypsy. I would just set her in the carwithout the car moving. Maybe, if your going to a petstore, Petco orPetsmart, you can give her a ride there. That way, she can get a littleuse of being in the car again.

Take cares, both of you!

Update:Thank you everyone for your advice andkind words. Kilie and I are doing much better. She spent a better partof last night hiding from me. Because **I** did this to her. I havebeen smothering her in hugs and treats. In a couple days I will tryreintroducing her to the car. (We are hitting the road again forT-day)Ange & Kilie "I am chewing a hole in your favorite jeansfor this!"
Oh, don't blame yourself for this! It wasn'tyour fault that a car hit you. I'm sure Kilie will be fine. Just giveher some time to rest. Good luck to the both of you.
You Poor Thing!

I bet your heart was pounding for quite a while. So thankfulyou and your little buddy areokay. It's one thingif it's your fault because then you know what you did and can take morecaution, but when it's because someone else went out of control, thatjust really shakes you up because you're constantly watching everyonefrom that point forward.

I'm so sorry you had to experience that.



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